Saturday, February 9, 2008

No One is Illegal Radio: Borders and Freedom: From Gaza to Texas, Lakotah Republic and Vancouver
No One Is Illegal Radio reports about the frontline struggles for justice, dignity and self-determination by migrants, refugees and indigenous peoples.
On this month's edition of No One Is Illegal Radio:
-- Border Crossing Intifada in Gaza –On January 23, 2008, Palestinians living in Gaza tore down the border wall at the Rafah crossing, temporarily breaking the Israeli siege, and permitting the movement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians into Egypt to secure basic necessities. For perspective and first-hand accounts, we speak with Mohamed Omer in Rafah, and Rami Elmeghari in Gaza City.
-- Lipan Apache resist the Border Wall --On February 7, 2008, an elder of the Lipan Apache in southern Texas was summoned to appear in court as part of a process to confiscate borderlands to build the wall between Mexico and the USA. In response, the Lipan Apache have sued the Department of Homeland Security. We speak with Margo Tamez, of the Lipan Apache Women's Community Defense.
-- Republic of Lakotah --On December 17, 2007, 2007, members of the Lakota Freedom Delegation announced their unilateral withdrawal from all agreements and treaties with the United States of America. The "Republic of Lakotah" (or Lakotah Oyate) encompasses parts of North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana and Wyoming. We speak with Teghiya Kte Canupa, a founding member of the Republic of Lakotah, and a headsman from the village of Wounded Knee.
And, on the upload:
-- No Olympics on stolen native land! --On January 31, 2008, two native youth warriors active in organizing against the scheduled 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver/Whistler visited Montreal. We hear extended audio excerpts of a press conference at Montreal's Olympic Stadium, and a public talk at the Native Friendship Center of Montreal, by Kanahus Pellkey of the Native Youth Movement, and Dustin Johnson of the Ts'mksiyen Nation in "British Columbia".
-> LISTEN to the February 2008 edition of No One Is Illegal Radio at:
-- Border Crossing Intifada in Gaza --Gaza remains under occupation and Gaza remains under siege. But, on January 23, 2008, in an inspiring act of collective defiance, and courage, Palestinians living in Gaza tore down the metal and concrete walls at the Rafah border crossing and traveled freely to Egypt in the hundreds of thousands. They temporarily broke the siege imposed by apartheid Israel with their own hands and feet (literally). On this month's show, we speak with Mohamed Omer, the publisher of the Rafah Today website, and Rami Elmegahri, a journalist and translator based in Gaza City.
For more information:
- Rafah Today (Mohamed Omer): "Gaza scrambles for fuel as border forced open" (Rami Elmeghari): "Fueling disaster" (Rami Elmeghari): "Power of the people" (Nada Elia): "Down goes the wall" (Laila El-Haddad):
-- Lipan Apache resist Border Wall in southern Texas --On February 7, 2008, Eloisa Tamez, an elder of the Lipan Apache in the international border region of Southern Texas, has been summoned to court as part of a process to confiscate Apache lands to allow for the building of the border wall between Mexico and the United States. In response, members of the Lipan Apache are suing the Department of Homeland Security and promising to resist all efforts to confiscate their lands. On this month's show, we speak with Margo Tamez, the daughter of Eloisa Tamez and a member of the Lipan Apache Women's Community Defense.
From the interview: "What's happening right now is a major moment for indigenous peoples in this hemispehere, especially in the USA, because it shifts radically the terrain of indigenous politics, of transborder politics, of awareness of militarization in your own backyard." -- Margo Tamez.
For more information:Homeland Security sues Lipan Apache:
-- The Republic of Lakotah –On December 17, 2007, 2007, members of the Lakota Freedom Delegation to Washington, DC announced their unilateral withdrawal from all agreements and treaties with the United States of America. The "Republic of Lakotah" (or "Lakotah Oyate") encompasses parts of North & South Dakota, Nebraska, Montana and Wyoming. We speak with Teghiya Kte Canupa, a founding member of the Republic of Lakotah, and a headsman from the village of Wounded Knee.
For more information:
-- No Olympics on stolen native land! --On January 31, 2008, two native youth warriors active in organizing against the scheduled 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver/Whistler visited Montreal as part of an awareness-raising tour of the Great Lakes and East Coast. They spoke at a press conference at Montreal's Olympic Stadium, as well as at a public talk at the Native Friendship Center of Montreal. On this month's show, we hear from Kanahus Pellkey of the Native Youth Movement, and Dustin Johnson of the Ts'mksiyen Nation in "British Columbia".
Press conference excerpts from the Olympic Stadium recorded and produced by Dave Parker of the CKUT Community News Collective. Kanahus and Dustin's talk at the Native Friendship Center recorded and produced by Charlie O'Connor of the CKUT Community News Collective.
"This is about land and freedom like any other struggle in the world. We're calling for an international boycott of the Olympics." -- Kanahus Pellkey of the Native Youth Movement (NYM)
"This is not just a racial struggle, but a class struggle as well. We have to unite to confront the common enemy."-- Dustin Johnson, Ts'mksiyen Nation
For more information:
LISTEN to the February 2008 edition of No One Is Illegal Radio at:
No One Is Illegal Radio broadcasts live on the first Thursday of every month, from 5-6pm (EST), as part of "Off the Hour", produced in collaboration with the community news collective at CKUT. We're at 90.3 FM in Montreal, and on the web. Starting in January 2008, No One Is Illegal Radio will also be part of the Rabble Podcast Network:
--> If you are interested in re-broadcasting our programs or interviews, please get in touch at ... Community and alternative stations across North America re-broadcast excerpts of No One Is Illegal Radio monthly.
--> Listen to our January 2008 show – including interviews with Brenda Norrell (Tuscon, Arizona, publisher of the Censored Blog), Mike Wilson (indigenous O'odham humanitarian worker), Jay Johnson-Castro (Del Rio, Texas, member of Border Ambassadors, and Nandita Sharma (author of "Home Economics: Nationalism and the Making of "Migrant Workers" in Canada"):
--> No One Is Illegal Radio's 2007 shows are archived at:
No One Is Illegal-Montreal is part of a worldwide movement of resistance, fighting for justice and dignity, and the right to self-determination for migrants, refugees and indigenous people. Our campaign is in public confrontation with the Canadian state, denouncing and taking action to combat racial profiling, police brutality, detentions and deportations, as well as opposing the displacement and genocide of indigenous peoples on Turtle Island.
Tune-in live to No One Is Illegal Radio on the 1st Thursday of every month, from 5-6pm, as part of CKUT's "Off The Hour".--> You can listen live in the MONTREAL-area at 90.3FM.--> You can listen ANYWHERE online at> Part of the Rabble Podcast Network:> If you are interested in re-broadcasting our programs or interviews, please get in touch.
INFO: 514-848-7583 -- nooneisillegal@gmail.com
PHOTO: "No One is Illegal" poster at protest of Maricopa Co. Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Tucson. Photo Brenda Norrell

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