Monday, February 2, 2009

American Indian Airwaves: Mount Tenabo and Navajo uranium mining

02/04/09, Wednesday, on American Indian Airwaves

"Mt. Tenabo Revisited and Energy Policy Opens Up more Indigenous Lands for Uranium Mining"

Part 1: Julie Fischel, Western Shoshone Defense Project (, joins us for the first segment of today's show to discuss the federal decision denying the preliminary injunction to halt Barrack Gold Company, the worlds largest gold mining company, Cortez Hills Expansion Project within the Western Shoshone Nation and at the base of the sacred site Mount Tenabo. The project, was recently approved by the Bureau of Land Management, and will be the largest open pit cyanide heap leach gold mines in the United States, Julie discuss the judicial, cultural , and political parameters of this setback and what the next step is in the struggle to protect the Western Shoshone Nation.

Part 2:Anna Rondon (Dine' Nation), indigenous activist, Member of Southwest Indigenous Uranium Forum, and main organizer of the Indigenous World Uranium Summit, joins us for this segment of the show to discuss former President Bush's executive orders initiated prior to his second presidential term concluding and how they allow for more uranium mining within indigenous nations in the southwest, and, ultimately, the construction of more nuclear power plants as part of the dominant society's archaic and draconian energy policies. Anna also discusses what the ramifications potentially are for indigenous peoples and their respective First Nations, and what the new administration's agenda is for (new) energy sources.

American Indian Airwaves regularly broadcast every Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm (PCT) on KPFK FM 90.7 in Los Angles, FM 98.7 in Santa Barbara, and by Internet with Real Media Player, Winamp, & Itunes at http :// , and American Indian Airwaves now broadcast every Saturday from 3pm to 4pm (ECT) on WCRS 98.3/102.1 in Columbus, OH. Myspace:
SPECIAL NOTICE: weekly shows can now be heard on the KPFK web site ( ) under "audio archives" located on the left. Scroll down and click on American Indian Airwaves.

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