Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rodriguez: The Huehuetlahtolli of Maria Molina

The Huehuetlahtolli of Maria Molina
By Roberto Dr. Cintli Rodriguez
Maria has a cargo. A sacred cargo. How do you translate that? It’s not something physical, but it is akin to a bundle.I cannot tell you what’s inside of it, but it is something greater than its contents. Some of the things are unknowable. Others have no name. Yet, what she carries inside it are ancient instructions. More than that, she carries a responsibility and a sacred obligation to her family, community and to humanity. You might think that inside this sacred bundle there are precious stones, seeds, sage or copal. There might be that, but more than that, there are gifts. Gifts that she has received and gifts that she freely gives.One gift that she possesses is the gift of Tlahtolli – the gift of the word and the gift of In Xochitl – In Cuicatl – Flor y Canto. Flower and song. Poetry. Read column:

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