Saturday, July 31, 2010

Preparar el ajuar de bodas

Uno de esos otros factores importantes a la hora de organizar una boda, es lo que viene justamente despues: la noche de bodas. La noche en la que los novios se encontraran por primera vez como marido y mujer tiene que ser por lo menos algo unico y especial, y como en todo, hay que prepararlo para que asi sea.

Si estas en los preparativos de tu boda no dejes para lo ultimo armar un buen ajuar para estar increible en tu noche de bodas, piensa que esa noche el debe verte como una princesa, tal y como lo hizo con tu vestido de novia, por eso prepara con anticipacion lo que luciras para la ocasion.

Hay mucho de donde elegir, dependiendo del look que queramos construir, para lucir bien sexys hay gran cantidad de conjuntos de lencería para novias, compuestos por sostenes, corsets, medias con portaligas, o inclusive baby dolls, camisones de saten que se pueden usar solo con una pequeña tanguita debajo, para que las transparencias haganlo suyo.

Para las que tengan un estilo mas naif, hay muchos conjuntos de algodon con estilos aniñados y juveniles, que tambien serviran como una gran cuota de fantasia en esa noche tan especial, ante todo recordemos que hay que estar comodas con lo que se lleva puesto, por eso es mejor comprar con tiempo, y probarlo con anticipacion.

Para calzar nada mejor que una pantuflas con tacos, algunas llevan unos apliques de plumas que son sumamente femeninos, y la altura del taco si bien es bajo, moldeara tus piernas lo suficiente como para estimularlo para tener una noche de pasion, la famosa noche de recien casados.

El ajuar no solo se compone por lo que se usa en la noche de bodas, sino tambien lo que se llevaran en las noches posteriores, y en momentos especiales, como por ejemplo, la luna de miel en el viaje de bodas, por eso lo ideal es armarlo con tiempo, ir comprando diferentes modelos que nos queden bien y guardarlos en una caja con mucho cuidado, para ir estrenandolos segun se presente la ocasion.



Sorprende a tus invitados con Trébol de Chocolate

Las fuentes de chocolate, no solo son una deliciosa alegría para los paladares, sino que además causarán furor y serán un éxito asegurado en vuestra boda.

Cada vez son más los novios que quieren sorprender a sus invitados con algo original. Bajo el lema “Su satisfacción es nuestra mejor garantía”, Trébol de Chocolate se distingue por ser el distribuidor oficial en Canarias de la primera compañía nacional de fuentes de chocolate, Chocolate Fondue.

Las fuentes de chocolate se han convertido en los últimos años en un éxito seguro en cualquier evento, especialmente las bodas. Trébol de Chocolate dispone de una amplia oferta: fuentes para un mínimo de 20 personas hasta un máximo de 600, en tres variedades: chocolate negro, blanco y con leche. Por supuesto, siempre acompañadas de la amplia variedad de frutas de temporada de primera calidad, galletas o barquillos.

Diego Hernández y Cathaysa Somoscarrera atribuyen el éxito de su empresa, además de a la calidad de los productos, al trato personalizado con el cliente y a la calidad humana de sus servicios. "Estar en el momento adecuado" es también fundamental para que el servicio sea impecable.

El equipo de Trébol de Chocolate permanecerá a vuestro lado a lo largo de toda la boda; se encargará del funcionamiento de la fuente, del chocolate, de las frutas y dulces, además de ayudar a vuestros invitados a que disfruten al máximo. Todo para que vuestro gran día sea perfecto.



Vestidos de novia diferentes de Atelier Aimeé

Personalmente siempre me han encantado los vestidos de novia de Atelier Aimeé, vestidos románticos, con toques de dulzura y tanta gracia que siempre evocan la imágen de una novia de las muchas historias de amor que habremos leído alguna vez. Faldas estupendamente pensadas llenas de movimiento con detalles de color que las hacen aún más hermosas.

Los vestidos con talles perfectos, escotes elegantes y en estas 4 fascinantes propuestas de Atelier Aimeé el estilo corsé tan clásico, tan perfecto, tan favorecedor.

Un vestido de novia negro, sencillamente arrebatador para las que siempre se atreven y quieren ser diferentes. Veamos estos vestidos tan bonitos, ya me dirán cuál es el mejor para ustedes, si hay uno mejor, porque todos son fabulosos.



The animal kingdom

I already know we're outnumbered -- Lori and me vs. Otto and the two cats, Rudy and Mabel. So what's the difference if we open up the house to another dog and cat -- plus their owners -- to spend the night in our barely large enough condo?

Yet, that's what we did recently. When Jordan and Jamie visited last weekend and spent three nights at our new place they of course brought along their chocolate lab, Brandy, and their new kitten, Mister Biggs. They've been in southern Oregon the past couple days, visiting Jamie's parents; this time they took Brandy with them and left the kitten with us.

Except for Mabel -- who's proven to be a most ungracious host (I'm thinking of the "B' word here -- everyone's made room for our sweet little visitor. Really, there's nothing like a kitten to bring a smile to your face. This little orange tabby greets you in the morning, purring and soft as cotton, curled up in the cloth bed Lori bought for him. At night, he's running and jumping across the room like an Olympic gymnast doing a floor exercise routine. On drugs.

Jordan and Jamie -- emphasis on Jordan -- adopted Mister Biggs from the Humane Society in late May, during their waning days in El Paso. He was 8 weeks old then, so I guess that would make him 4 months old now. They named him after Biggs Army Airfield, a place Jordan became very familiar with while serving at Fort Bliss, Texas.

The animal parade continues this week. We'll be taking care of Quimby at some point. She's the little thug -- er, Chug, also known as Lil' Quim -- who belongs to Kyndall and Simone. Speaking of whom...Simone flies back this coming Friday after finishing her four-week summer course at Carnegie Mellon. She and Kyndall will load up their truck, spend a final night with us, then hit the road Monday for Pittsburgh... and 2,600 miles of interstate highway.

Animals. What would we do without 'em?

40th Anniversary Commemorating the Takeover of Mount Rushmore

40th Anniversary Commemorating The Takeover of Mount Rushmore
August 29, 2010
10 am to 6 pm
Location Mount Rushmore National Memorial
13000 Hwy 244 Bldg 31 Suite 1
Created By United Native Americans, Inc, A Gay Kingman
We Invite You To Both Attend and Participate In Our Upcoming Tribal Sovereignty Forum at Mount Rushmore.
This Coming August 29, 2010 will mark the 40th Anniversary of the historic Reclaiming of Our Sacred Paha Sapa (Black Hills of 1970). On this day, we will gather at the Amphitheater at Mount Rushmore National Memorial in Keystone, South Dakota to reflect upon the 1970 occupation in a spiritual way, to renewing friendships and bonds formed at that time. We come to pray, to educate The Youth about the Importance of Protecting Our Sacred Sites, and to use this opportunity for our people to be near the place of our origin, the Paha Sapa.
Additionally, we hope to coordinate Tribal Leaders who will discuss the needs of our People and move forward with real resolutions to The Issues Each Reservation Has. Such as Better Health Care on Our Reservations, Schools and Colleges, Red Road Teachings, Language Preservation, Suicide Prevention, Treaty Rights, Tribal Police Force, Water Preservation, Better Housing, Renewable energy's. Traditional dancers and Drums are Welcome to participate.
Confirmed to speak:
*Lehman L. Brightman-President of UNA-Leader of The Take Over of Mount Rushmore 1970.
*A.Gay Kingman-Executive Director of The Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association.
*Richie Richards-UC Berkeley
*Paul Robertson-Oglala Lakota College
*Barbara Elk-Writer, Poet
*Kiera-Dawn Kolson-singer,songwriter,motivational speaker
We are extending open invitations to the Inter-Tribal Community and their families to join us, in this historic and educational event. Please RSVP at (605) 484-3036 or (510)672-7187
Our Event Is 100% Free. But, Persons Driving to and from Our Event Must Pay For Parking. There will be a car pool from the Mother Butler Community Center to Mt.Rushmore. For those who wish to car pool you can contact:
Les Old Lodge: (605)491-0651 or
Parking Fee:
$10.00 - Annual Pass (Cars,Motorcycles and RV's)
$50.00 Commercial Bus - Day
Also there will be a community feed, for those of you who would like to donate food please contact:
Christy Ryan:(605)431-6358 or
For More Information On How To Donate, Sponsor, Present a Work Shop and or Be a Participate.
Please Contact:
A. Gay Kingman, M.Ed. Executive Director
Member, Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe
Great Plains Tribal Chairman's Association
1926 Stirling St., Rapid City, SD 57702
Cell: (605)-484-3036 Fax: (605)-343-3074
Quanah Parker Brightman
VP of United Native Americans, Inc., 2434 Faria Ave, Pinole, CA 94564, Cell: (510)-672-7187
Professor Lehman L. Brightman-National President of U.N.A. Speech on the Capital Steps in Washington D.C. at the conclusion of the Longest Walk 1978
Historical Overview & Resolutions
1978: Eleven legislative bills introduced in the 95th U.S. Congress would have abrogated Native Treaties that protect remaining Native sovereignty. The Longest Walk of 1978 was a peaceful, spiritual effort to educate the public about Native American rights and the Native way of life. Native American Treaty Rights under the U.S. Constitution are to be honored as the supreme law of the land. The 3,600 mile walk was successful in its purpose: to gather enough support to halt proposed legislation abrogating Indian treaties with the U.S. government. Shortly After, The American Indian Religious Freedom Act (AIRFA) of 1978 was passed. As a result of The 1978 Longest Walk, Indigenous people were granted the federal legislative right to freedom of religion, a fundamental right guaranteed to all Americans under the U.S. Constitution.

40-50% of All Indian Women have been Sterilized. Evidence of massive sterilization of American Indians has been revealed by the (GAO) General Accounting Office in a study for ex-Senator James Abourezk from South Dakota in 1976. Most of these women were sterilized without their informed consent. The Same GOA Report also revealed that Indian Children are being used as "human guinea pigs," by the Federal Government in 56 different medical experiments (in most cases without parental consent). The Abourezk Report found that approximately 3,406 Indian Women had been sterilized in a three year period between 1973 and 1976, in only four states. Lehman L. Brightman, President of United Native Americans,Inc. estimates that between 60,000 and 70,000 Indian Women have been sterilized in the last twelve years. Most of the Indian Women were sterilized "unknowingly." and without their informed consent, and in many cases by outright intimidation. In many cases women were told they were going to die if they had more children, that they had cysts on their ovaries, or that the operation was reversible. Voluntary sterilization among the general population of the U.S. of some 200 million people isn't going to wipe out the country, but in smaller groups like the American Indians, it could wipe them out forever, as an example: If Every white woman in the state of California was sterilized, the white race in North America would not be in danger, but if every California Indian Women was sterilized, the Genocide of California Indians would be Permanent. President Carter has Refused on 3 different occasions to stop the sterilization and to remove Dr. Emery Johnson, the Director of the Indian Health Service. . .The man most responsible for Indian Sterilization.
For More of The REAL History on the Longest Walk of 1978 Visit:
United Native Americans, Inc.

Hopi Tribal Council approves controversial carbon sequestration without community consultation

Hopiland: Public Forum on Carbon Sequestration and Snowbowl
The Hopi Tribal Council recently approved an experimental Carbon Capture Sequestration (CO2 Sequestration) project on Hopi lands without consultation with tribal members. This project will also impact Navajo lands. The U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service recentlyapproved the use of affluent water to make artificial snow at the Snow Bowl Ski Resort on the San Francisco Peaks in Flagstaff, AZ. The COALition invites everyone to come learn about these issues and how our lands and environment may be affected by these projects. This is an opportunity for everyone to share their comments that we can take to our tribal councils.
Topics will include:
What is Carbon Capture Sequestration?
What is the project that Hopi Tribal Council approved?
If allowed to proceed, what are the potential impacts on our lands and our water?
What is the effect of artificial snow making on the San Francisco Peaks?
Discussions on Environmental Effects, Cultural Effects & Economic ImpactsWhat options are available to Hopi and Navajo Nations to address these issues?
Open Microphone – All Public Testimonials Welcome.
Everyone is Welcome!

Public Forum on Carbon Capture Sequestration & Snow Bowl

Sponsored by Inter-Tribal COALition
August 6, 2010 – 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Hotevilla Youth & Elderly Center
Hopi Indian Reservation
9:30 a.m. Registration
10:00 a.m. Purpose of Public Forum Ben Nuvamsa & Milton
 Introduction of Inter-Tribal COALition Bluehouse (COALition
 Goals for the Public Forum Members)
10:15 a.m. Carbon Sequestration: What is it? Ben Nuvamsa, Vernon
 Review of Hopi Tribal Council Action to Approve Masayesva, Tulley Haswood,
Carbon Sequestration Ed Becenti, Other Presenters
 What is the Proposal? How will it work?
 How does this affect Hopi and Navajo People?
 What are Environmental, Cultural and Economic Impacts?
 Explanation and Justification by Nada Talayumptewa
of the Hopi Water & Energy Team (invited)
 Reaction from Hopi & Dine’ Elders
(Presentations will be videotaped and recorded)
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. People’s Action Item and Mandates to Tribal Councils Forum Facilitator:
 Open Microphone for People’s Comments Various Presenters
(Presentations will be videotaped and recorded)
 Presentation of Tribal Council Action Item
and Draft Council Resolution
3:00 p.m. Artificial Snow Making at Snow Bowl: Forum Facilitator:
 What is the Snow Bowl Operators Plan? Howard Shanker, Esq (Invited)
 Status of Litigation Various Presenters
 What options are available to tribes?
 Explanation and Justification by Nada Talayumptewa
of the Hopi Water & Energy Team (Invited) for
signing the letter to Secretary, Department of
Agriculture supporting use of groundwater for
artificial snow making
 Open Microphone for People’s Comments
(Presentations will be videotaped and recorded)
 Presentation of Tribal Council Action Item
4:30 p.m. Adjourn

Navajo Hopi Observer: Hopi Council approves carbon capture storage project
Rosanda Suetopka Thayer/The Observer
KYKOTSMOVI, Ariz. - In a surprise move, the Hopi Tribal Council approved a controversial project with an 8 to 4 vote, giving four western energy companies (WEC Consortium) and the Hopi Tribe the go-ahead to evaluate geologic characteristics of the Black Mesa Basin for potential commercial storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in a new method known as carbon capture sequestration (CCS).
The proposed project seeks to drill a series of exploration wells on Hopi land for the purpose of collecting and analyzing detailed geological, geophysical and water quality data. Wells will be drilled to a depth of approximately 9,000 feet to determine if the rock strata is hospitable enough to store toxic CO2 extracted from coal plant emissions underground on Hopi and near Navajo reservation communities.
Read article:


Farah Fawcett on Wheels

Friday, July 30, 2010

El toque final a tu ramo de novias

Muchas veces los ramos o bouquets de novia se ven impecables y perfectos, pero lo que les falla es el tallo o la empuñadura.
La marca registrada Posy Pocket fabrica unas bonitas empuñaduras para ramos de novia que harán que éste luzca estupendo e inmejorable.

Estas empuñaduras están disponibles en forma cónica o cilíndrica y las podrás encontrar en multitud de colores y estampados.

Además, de que tienen la ventaja de que con ellas resultará más cómodo llevar el ramo de novia. E incluso verás que hay algunas que llevan unas pequeñas asas en raso o en satén para que puedas llevar el ramo como si de un bolso se tratase.


Fabulosa Lenceria invierno 2010

Lenceria realmente fabulosa la que Joge nos propone para el próximo invierno 2010, y no se piensen que porque los días serán entonces fríos debamos de llenarnos de lenceria abrigadora, con estas prendas no se necesitará ni siquiera el prender la chimenea o poner el aire caliente de la alcoba, porque son tremendamente sexys las piezas de lenceria de joge invierno 2010.

En perfectas combinaciones de color, las bragas más seductoras y los sujetadores más favorecedores, ya cómodos para el diario vestir que para una noche romántica con ese hombre que amas, muchos detalles que resultan en prendas realmente ya les digo, fantásticas. Todas son bonitas piezas de lenceria con el más chic estilo para la ropa íntima.



Kawasaki Girl

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Peinados para novia sencillos y fáciles

Si lo tuyo es la sencillez sin demasiadas complicaciones, pero también lo es lucir bien y buscas el peinado para novia para tu próxima boda, lo importante es encontrar ese peinado que sea tan sencillo como quieres y que resulte un realce del bonito atuendo nupcial que habrás elegido para ese gran día. En este post, te traemos imágenes de peinados para novia sencillos y fáciles, que son también peinados preciosos.
La mayoría de estos peinados son de apenas atar el cabello, por lo que resultan ideales si esetás pensando llevar un gancho sujetador de cabello especial o flores y otros accesorios que son ideales para la temporada veraniega si te casas en primavera verano, pero ya sabes que igual los accesorios vienen bien si te casas en otoño invierno. Luego de ver estas propuestas de peinados para novia sencillos y fáciles, estamos seguras que habrás encontrado tu peinado de novia.
