Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Feeling Feist-y

Every once in a while, a day comes along that makes you appreciate everything that is good in your life.

Monday was one of those days...
-- Lori and I had a nice dinner on the rooftop of our condo, with a light breeze gently swaying the tall trees across the street. Afterward, we walked three blocks to the neighborhood school and watered the community garden that Lori and others are tending for the Oregon Food Bank.
-- Between bites, we agreed things seem to be going well for all our kids. Jordan is back in the Northwest. Simone is getting settled quickly in Pittsburgh, and Nathan was up at the cabin, relaxing with half a dozen friends.

The good feeling continued Tuesday...
-- Nathan texted that he'd gotten the job: a paid, part-time internship with a company in Beaverton. Finally! Something in his field of marketing. He starts Monday.
-- At bowling, our team began the night tied for second place among 16 teams. We won four more games last night, which should push us into second all by ourselves. Win or lose, I always have a great time with my teammates -- Erin and Beth, John and Brian.

...and Wednesday.
-- As I was swimming laps this morning, I thought of how fortunate I am to be able to exercise daily, if I want, unimpeded by physical limitations of any kind. Good health is something to appreciate each and every day and I am making strides improving my diet, despite the occasional sweet treat.
-- With all this positive energy, I thought of Feist and her "1234" song. Can it get any better than with the Muppets?

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