Monday, June 20, 2011

Unwinding from the urban life

Feeder No. 1 as viewed
from our living room
If Disneyland is The Happiest Place on Earth, Orcas Island just might be The Mellowest Place on Earth.

The magical vibe of the island has already sunk into our pores and we've  barely been here less than 48 hours.

We departed Anacortes on Saturday afternoon for a week of vacation and as soon as the ferry pulled away from the dock, we could feel ourselves instantly relax, all our worries dissipating like the mist into a breeze.

We arrived in time to unpack, throw together a pasta salad and head down to the Eagle Lake shelter for the Saturday night potluck, made up of a changing cast of characters, depending on who's on the island at any given time.

Met three new couples -- including the newest residents, Phil and Gale, from Danville, Calif. -- and shared a nice meal.

Had a relaxing Father's Day morning (Lori let me sleep in and cooked me breakfast), then went outside and did yard work most of the day, which wasn't even a bother, given the mild weather. Dinner for two and Scrabble made for a nice evening.

Got up early, had a bowl of cereal on the porch, then came back in and watched the birds flock to our three feeders -- everything from hummingbirds to pine siskins and a black-headed grosbeak to a greedy Steller's Jay.

Went for a run on the trails up above our house and saw a deer and one banana slug. Felt good because it was the first time I'd run in a week, due to a lingering cough. Now, I'm stopping in at the public library for 15 minutes to knock this out before I drive back to the cabin again and meet up with Lori for lunch.

Ah, no place like Eagle Lake and Orcas Island.

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