Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Hacked police data: Assassins plan special ops team on Arizona border

Photo by Brenda Norrell
Hacked Arizona police files describe mercenary-type patrols on the Arizona border

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Updated July 17, 2011

SASABE, Ariz. -- In the leaked files of Chinga La Migra, a police report describes an encounter with a heavily-armed man at Sasabe and states there is a "mercenary-type" action planned for this area. It is the second time that e-mails leaked by hackers in the Chinga La Migra data revealed heavily-armed mercenary types here at Sasabe, southwest of Tucson. In the first police e-mail leaked, off-duty Marines were exposed patrolling with assault weapons.

In this second e-mail from police files, agents working in the town of Sasabe in March said they were approached by a man who engaged in a conversation with agents.

The agents said they immediately noticed that the man had a Glock pistol holstered on his right hip. The man also retrieved a Saiga shotgun, along with a 10 round magazine and a 20 round drum magazine from his truck and showed the agents.

“He stated that he is soon to receive funding in the amount of $350,000.00 from what he described as ‘Concerned citizens’ and that he planned to use this funding to bring up to five men into the area," the police report states.

The armed man “went on to describe these men, as well as himself, as prior military, all with extensive experience such as Recon, Sniper and Ranger Training, etc., and plans to conduct mercenary type operations in both the Sasabe, Arizona and Sasabe, Sonora border area," the police report states.

The police report states that he admitted having "Improvised Explosive Devices" deployed in the desert near Sasabe.

Agents were urged to take extreme caution while working in the area near Sasabe. In April, after the man was seen in Sasabe, there was a five hour police search of the area with a bomb crew.

Response: Some armed patrols on the border target drug cartels, not hunting migrants

One person who says he is armed at the Arizona border responded to the original article published here by Censored News, and the data from the Arizona police files.

Responding, the man said he is armed and at the Arizona border, but he is not part of the Minutemen or Blue Lights patrols. Instead, he said he is there to halt the armed cartel drug runners coming north, weapons going south, and for the protection of the communities.

He said the cartel escorts accompanying the drug loads are armed with AK47s. Some of the cartel lookouts on this side of the border are also armed with AK47s. Since it is very desolate country, any help is usually about an hour away, if any help comes at all. So to go out there unarmed is suicide, he said.

He points out that there are corrupt Border Patrol agents on the border and they report people with false information, if they get in the corrupt agents' way.

The corruption within the Border Patrol was the subject of testimony before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, on June 9, 2011 in Washington. Officials testified that 127 Border Patrol agents have been arrested and hundreds more are now under investigation, for corruption, including drug smuggling and accepting bribes from drug runners.

Responding to Censored News, the person who is armed at the border said he is there to halt drug cartels from coming in, prevent weapons from going south into Mexico and to protect the local area. He said there are good people on the other side of the border in Mexico and they do not deserve to be slaughtered by the drug cartels.

But he said he is not there to hunt migrants. He said he even carries extra water and food for migrants that are left stranded.

He points out that the U.S. government has supplied the cartels with over 2,500 AK/47s.

This fact was revealed in the recent testimony, and news reports, of the ATF Fast and Furious operation. Those ATF weapons in the operation, which the ATF claims were part of a sting operation, are being used on both sides of the border. These weapons that the US allowed to "walk" across the border were proven to be used in the murder of two US agents, Brian A. Terry, U.S. Border Patrol officer, shot and killed in December near Nogales, Arizona, and Jaime Zapata. Zapata was an ICE special agent based in Laredo, Texas and killed by an armed gang in northern Mexico.

The Los Angeles Times points out that not only did 2,500 weapons wind up in the hands of the cartels, but the DEA and FBI were paying the same cartel members as informants. “The official said at least half a dozen cartel figures were being paid by one U.S. law enforcement agency while they were being targeted by another.” http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-cartel-guns-20110717,0,6972222.story

Further, responding to Censored News, the armed man patrolling the Arizona border says that Wells Fargo/Wachovia was caught laundering $378 billion of cartel drug money over a period of 4 years, over 90 billion a year. He pointed out that not one criminal charge was brought against them. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/apr/03/us-bank-mexico-drug-gangs

Further, the man patrolling the Arizona border said the intent of the government is not to stop this drug running, but it is to keep it going so there are more people in this country "doped up who can't think straight and will obey whatever they are told." Referring to the US military and drug running, he said: Why do you think we are in Afghanistan?

He said it is because 90 percent of the world’s opium comes from there.

He said by patrolling the mountains at the Arizona border, he is trying to stop the drug trade and not only put a crimp on the cartel cash flow, but also on the U.S. government cash flow and corruption.

Leaked Arizona police files

In the leaked police files, the investigation of the armed man at Sasabe becomes more bizarre when Todd Russell Hezlitt arrives on the scene. Hezlitt is described by police as a past affiliate of the armed man.

However, in the police report Hezlitt claims he is performing surveillance on the man, following contact from Intel about the man’s “alleged Improvised Explosive Devices deployed in the desert near Sasabe and other erratic behavior."

“Hezlitt claims he wants to help us run him out of Sasabe” and that Hezlitt no longer associates with him, the police report states.

“Hezlitt did have a weapon on him and was also wearing body armor at the time of the encounter.” (The complete hacked police file was available in several places on the Internet, but was removed after this article was posted.)

Hezlitt is easily found on the Internet as both a member of the Marine Corps and as beginning, but not completing the training of the police academy of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department.

Hezlitt is also shown to be an associate of Shawna Forde, leader of the Minutemen American Defense, convicted in the murder of a nine-year-old and her father in Arivaca. Forde received the death sentence in February for her role in the murder of Raul "Junior" Flores, 29, and his daughter, Brisenia, 9, on May 30, 2009.

At Phoenix New Times, Stephen Lemons reported on Hezlitt two years ago and the disturbing connections between Minutemen and Arizona law enforcement.

Lemons wrote in 2009: “Cooperation between law enforcement and minuteman groups is a worrisome issue in Arizona, especially with Sheriff Joe Arpaio here in Maricopa County.”

The exposure in the police files of the armed man and the plan for mercenaries in Sasabe, a tiny community on the border south of Three Points, is the second time that heavily-armed civilian patrols in Sasabe were exposed in the Chinga La Migra files.

In the previous e-mail that exposed contract assassins here, the police data reported an encounter with an off-duty Marine hunting migrants with assault weapons in Sasabe. The information was in a report for the month of October, 2008, by Arizona's HIDTA (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area) Investigative Support Center.

This report reveals information on the Border Watch Group the Blue Lights, which little has previously been published.
"In other incidents reported in October, U.S. Border Patrol agents encountered two subjects who claimed to be members of the Border Watch Group the Blue Lights based on the Caballo Loco Ranch. The subjects, armed with pistols and at least one M4 rifle, were dressed in full desert camouflage uniforms, similar to those of the United States military. They stated they were not members of the Minutemen, but paid contract employees who ‘get the job done’ and ‘were not just volunteers.’ They possessed valid United States Marine Corps identification cards."

Patriots and white separatists at the Caballo Loco Ranch near Sasabe

Assassins, patriots and white separatists camping at the Caballo Loco Ranch have posted online.

An Internet user who called himself "Marine 1," posted online at the Patriots Border Alliance and described Operation Ice Storm scheduled for January of 2008 and based at the Caballo Loco RV Ranch. “Since being asked by many Minutemen this past spring to form a border watch group, we have performed one weekend and one 30 Day Muster in Palominas Arizona and New Mexico. We have stood in protest and supported the ongoing events at Pruitts Furniture Store in Phoenix, and we continue to be active and help stop illegal immigration across the land."

The posted message included directions to the Caballo Loco RV Ranch: From Tucson, take Hwy 86 west to Three Points. Take Rt 286 South, just before mile marker 34 make a left turn onto a dirt road, follow that for 8 miles. The road is well graded and suitable for cars. The dirt road is marked with a sign, "Caballo Loco RV Ranch."
In the hacked police e-mails, Arizona police also took note of Riflestock 2011, which was advertised online for the southern Arizona border.
The public announcement said, “Suppose a couple thousand patriots, and their families, showed up near the Mexican border, somewhere in Arizona, for a weekend of fun, music, games, shooting, hiking, and, good old fashioned comradery. Would this event be newsworthy? Perhaps approaching that of Woodstock, back in1969? Would it send a message to the government that, "If you won't protect our borders, then, we will"?

“Riflestock is not intended to be a border operation, itself, though the ability to see the damage done, take pictures of illegal critters, and, perhaps, scare the hell out of some of them, by our sheer numbers, and to actually visit the site of America's ongoing war with illegal border crossings, is in the offing.

"The event is intended to run from Friday, March 18, through Sunday, March 20, with a pig roast (bring your Muslim friends) on Saturday afternoon," the Riflestock announcement said.

On the southern Arizona border, human rights organizations, including Derechos Humanos and No More Deaths, have exposed the xenophobia targeting migrants and the escalating violence, resulting in beatings, shooting deaths and hanging of migrants.

Derechos Humanos in Tucson has documented the deaths of migrants in the desert, including the victims of death by blunt force trauma, shotgun blasts and other violence:
Also see:
Hackers expose racismm's underbelly: Driving while Black, Brown or Red in Arizona
Arizona police tired of Border Patrol lies and delays
Delays mean death in the desert for migrants in distress
This article may not be reposted on websites without permission. For permission to repost, please contact brendanorrell@gmail.com

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