Sunday, July 17, 2011

LISTEN: Irish Showband profiteers from mocking Indians

Barbara Low (Mik'maq) - The Indians Showband

by Red Town Radio

Listen to today's Red Town Radio show, with host Brenda Golden, Mvskoke:
Yes, it's true. There is a band over in Ireland, that has been raking in money by mocking Indigenous cultures for 40 years.
This group of Irishmen dress up in pseudo "Native American" garb, fingerpaint on their faces, and each has a stage name that is stolen from a respected Indigenous Warrior or Holy Man. They claim to play country & western music, with songs like "Wigwam Wiggle". They have at least two Facebook FanPages, and several videos on Youtube.

Here is a history of the Band:

This stereotyping and cultural mockery is the lubricant that allows for the genocide to go down all that more smoothly. They've gotten away with this for 40 years, but now, thanks to the internet - they have been exposed.

Help us to have them erased from the internet, and forced into retirement. They have made enough money making fun of our Cultures.!/event.php?eid=110714922354367

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