Sunday, July 10, 2011

Los Alamos: Nuclear industry shatters lives of Pueblos

Counter Currents: Los Alamos National Lab's nuclear industry shatters the land and well-being of Pueblos

Censored News

Counter Currents reveals the horror and destruction brought to the Pueblos in northern New Mexico by the Los Alamos National Laboratories.
"We never had leukemia in our children, now we do, in Santa Clara and the San Ildefonso Pueblos," Santa Clara Pueblo's Marian Naranjo tells Counter Currents.
The article by Subhankar Banerje, Las Conchas Fire Woke Us Up: Let Us Now Stop, The Plutonium Bomb Factory, reveals the dangers of nuclear energy, and its effect on Native Americans, a subject often censored by the mainstream media.
Banerjee writes, "Marian Naranjo shared with me their spiritual beliefs about the land they inhabit, 'The Pajarito Plateau on which Los Alamos National Lab was built is a sacred place to the native pueblo people since time immemorial. Look at the Bandelier National Monument, our ancestors lived there, but right now it is threatened by this fire. There are 19 fingers in the Pajarito Plateau that you call canyons. Those are sacred to us. That is where the springs are. Fire is sacred to us, as it replenishes life. Cloud is sacred to us, as we wait for rain. Rain is sacred to us, as it keeps everything alive in the desert. But after Los Alamos was built, our spiritual belief system has been shattered.'"
Read story:

Also watch video interview with Tewa Women United:
Tewa Women United speak out against the nuclear industry and the contamination of sacred Jemez Mountains by Los Alamos National Laboratories. Interviewed live at the US Social Forum in Detroit on Friday, June 25, 2010, by Earthcycles, Pueblo women describe the contamination from Los Alamos in northern New Mexico. Open air burning and the burial of radioactive substances exposes generations of Pueblos to risks. Beata Tsosie Pena said, "We live in the desert and our water supply is very precious to us. Water is our life. I'm scared for my children. I'm scared for my grandchildren. I'm scared for my elders." Tewa Women United

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