Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Operation Green Rights: Anonymous targets Monsanto and Tar Sands

Operation Green Rights' Project Tarmaggedon


tar leaf
Anonymous began releasing data in Operation Green Rights on Wednesday morning, targeting the genetically altered seed corporation Monsanto, after announcing it is targeting Monsanto, Big Oil, the Tar Sands and the Royal Bank of Scotland affiliated with the Tar Sands. First Nations activists in Canada and Native Americans in the United States have a global campaign to halt the filthy and destructive Tar Sands. Monsanto is responsible for destroying crops and farmers' lives around the world. Anonymous said during a release of data on Wednesday morning:
"We previously leaked 2551 emails and names of MonsantoCo employees and associates for the whole internets to see.
Immediately following this, attacks were made attempting to access/change the password on the OpMonsanto Twitter account as well many failed login attempts on 2 corresponding email accounts.
The paypal account used to finance the operation was reported and all assets frozen. Somebody, most certainly, is mad at us.
We didn't appreciate that very much, so we updated the leaked database to include
the previously redacted city/state/country and phone numbers."

Operation Green Rights presents: Project Tarmeggedon
By Anonymous
July 12, 2011
Free-thinking citizens of the world:
Anonymous' Operation Green Rights calls your attention to an urgent situation in North America perpetuated by the boundless greed of the usual suspects: Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, Canadian Oil Sands Ltd., Imperial Oil, the Royal Bank of Scotland, and many others.
This week, activists are gathering along U.S. Highway 12 in Montana to protest the transformation of a serene wilderness into an industrial shipping route, bringing "megaloads" of refinery equipment to the Alberta Tar Sands in Canada.
Anonymous now joins the struggle against "Big Oil" in the heartland of the US. We stand in solidarity with any citizen willing to protest corporate abuse. Anonymous will not stand by idly and let these environmental atrocities continue. This is not the clean energy of the future that we are being promised.
We will, over the course of the next few days, use the powers we posses to spread news about this scenario and the corporations involved. We are actively seeking leaks to expose the corruption that we all KNOW is beneath this. Anonymous will support the activists on July 13-14 when they initiate civil disobedience and direct action to confront this dire issue. We urge you to get involved. Montana and Idaho citizens, we ask you to join local protests and attend the Highway 12 rally if you are close enough! If you're not, join us in the IRC listed below for our own good times.
The continued development of the tar sands is a major step backward in the effort to curb global warming. Anonymous will not suffer this without a fight, and Operation Green Rights will always support the rights of the people to live in an unpolluted world, and aim to help safeguard it for the future. One way or another.We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.
Anonymous, Antisec, expose military contractor Booz Allen:
“Today we want to turn our attention to Booz Allen Hamilton, whose core business is contractual work completed on behalf of the US federal government, foremost on defense and homeland security matters, and limited engagements of foreign governments specific to U.S. military assistance programs.
“So in this line of work you'd expect them to sail the seven proxseas with a state- of-the-art battleship, right? Well you may be as surprised as we were when we found their vessel being a puny wooden barge. We infiltrated a server on their network that basically had no security measures in place. We were able to run our own application, which turned out to be a shell and began plundering some booty. Most shiny is probably a list of roughly 90,000 military emails and password hashes (md5, non-salted of course!).”
Related news from CNET:
Anonymous targets Monsanto, oil firms
Military contractor Booz Allen Hamilton today confirmed that it was the victim of an "illegal attack," one day after hackers posted what they said were about 90,000 military e-mail addresses purloined from a server of the consulting firm.
"Booz Allen Hamilton has confirmed today that the posting of certain data files on the Internet yesterday was the result of an illegal attack. We are conducting a full review of the nature and extent of the attack. At this time, we do not believe that the attack extended beyond data pertaining to a learning management system for a government agency," the company said in a statement after refusing to comment yesterday.

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