Friday, October 12, 2007

Harvey Arden: Welcome to Leavenworth

Flashpoint Magazine
Excerpt from, "Have you thought of Leonard Peltier lately?"

By Harvey Arden
(Harvey's first meeting with Leonard in 1997, at a pow-wow held in the gymnasium at Leavenworth Penitentiary)
THE NEXT DAY I WAS driven to Leavenworth by two Peltier supporters who would be attending the prison powwow with me. I can tell you, I physically feared going into Leavenworth, even if only as a visitor. My stomach tied itself in knots at the prospect as the time for my visit approached. It was our first in-person meeting to speak about me editing a book of Leonard's writings-a book that eventually became PRISON WRITINGS: MY LIFE IS MY SUN DANCE (St. Martins Press, 1999).
Read more:

Harvey Arden was a National Geographic staff writer for over 23 years. He has continued to pursue his desire to collaborate with extraordinary people to share their stories, life lessons, and messages as an author and editor.
Harvey's book website:
Photo: Harvey Arden with Edna Gordon of Voice of a Hawk Elder

Leonard Peltier's imprisonment remains one of the most censored issues in American Indian newspapers. --Censored Blog

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