Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Whoopi Goldberg & The View insult Columbus Day protest in Denver

Whoopi Goldberg insulted the American Indians' protest in Denver on Columbus Day. Chiming in, the rest of the women on The View television talk show, revealed their ignorance on the issues and the condescending attitudes of the wealthy in America today, as they made light of the protest and supported the Italian parade.
Link to show segment:

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Our Founding Fathers??? Really? One Nation Under God and Jena 6 Too???
Did you know that of these United States Minnesota, South Dakota and Nevada do NOT recognize “Columbus Day”? In 1992, the United Nations and the National Council of Churches called on not only Christians but all people to refrain from celebrating Columbus.
Please help me remind the world that October 12th is really the “International Day of Solidarity With Indigenous People” because 150 years after Columbus came to the Americas in what was explained to us as children in textbooks and classrooms as a day that represented newness of freedom, hope and opportunity for the Europeans really brought about the end of the lives of some 85% of the millions of Native Americans from disease, oppression, degradation and genocide.

Denver Columbus Day protest:

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