Friday, March 14, 2008

Heart to heart, messages to the Longest Walk

Sunset tonight at the Longest Walk camp in Fruita, Colorado. Photo Brenda Norrell

Dear walkers, runners and all the Clan,
Thank You for having the blog. We're keeping our eyes on it daily. I start checking it in the evening to see what your day has been like. Keep up the faith and strength. We pray for you all each day. I catch myself day dreaming, visualizing your trek, what are they eating? and where are they sleeping?... You all have left imprints in our hearts. Take Care
Nita Bailey and Family
Healers awaiting
Healers and activists of Delta County Colorado are gathering medicinals and food and will see you face to face and heart to heart in Montrose on Tuesday, March 18th. Thank you, CJ, for hearing me,
in Truth and Beauty.
Gusti from Eckert
From our Mohawk brother
Sagoli- Hello,
My heart is filled with joy that 2008 Longest Walk is happening again. I thought I would never see this again in my lifetime.
I was there in 1978 in Washington, D.C., to see so many Brothers & Sisters, Children and Elders from all over Turtle Island, that is spiritual power.
My name is Tracy Thomas, I am a Mohawk from the Haudenosaunee-Six Nation Iroquois Confederacy, we also welcomed the 1978 Longest Walk, when they came to our territory at Harrisburg PA., the Thunder people, our grandfathers showed their power ... when the East met their western brothers and sisters, we gave thanks to these spiritual powers, as it thundered and lightning on that day. For some people it was their first time meeting us, because they were told there were no Indians in the East.
I know what it is to endure the elements, I was a member of the Jim Thorpe Longest Run 1984 from the Onondaga Nation to Los Angeles California, we ran across 14 states in 54 days.
I am sending you this poster I designed for the Walk, to use as fundraising purposes, because this is what we do to help our people out. It is my honor for you, the Walkers, runners, cooks, security and helpers of this walk, it is my thanks to you who are doing this.
Remember to give thanks to the Creator and all of Creation, you walk for this creation and for the future generations of all our children, you will see this power in your journey across Turtle Island.
I'm considering joining the Northern route, I want to represent our people from the East. If I can't make this, my thoughts of prayer will be you.
All I ask, is when I finally meet up with you, that you all will sign my poster.
Niawen [Thank you ]
Tracy Thomas

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