Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Racism in America: US image crumbles at United Nations

CONTACT: US Human Rights Network (USHRN)
Ateqah Khaki and David Lerner, Riptide Communications, 212-260-5000

At United Nations Hearing on Race, The US Evades Responsibility for Persistant Inequality in America
UN Committee Set to Issue Review of Bush Administrations Compliance with Race Treaty in Early March

By US Human Rights Network

WASHINGTON, DC - February 25 - Last week, in Geneva, Switzerland, the Bush Administration continued to deny the existence and acute effects of racism in America.
The U.S. Government was on the defensive before a panel of United Nations experts who questioned officials about America’s record on acting to eliminate racial discrimination, which it is obligated to do under the international treaty, the Convention of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Under the CERD, as it is known, every two years, signatory countries are required to update a report on the progress in identifying and remedying racial discrimination. For the first time since 2001, the U.S. submitted a report and actually showed up.To view a copy of the shadow report submitted by the US Human Rights Network, please visit: http://www.ushrnetwork.org/cerd_shadow_2008
To learn more, please visit: http://www.ushrnetwork.org/

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