Saturday, April 12, 2008

Federal court allows Homeland Security power over private land

Nazi rule in the US: Chertoff continues as self-appointed god, squashing the little people

By Brenda Norrell

A federal court ruled in favor of Homeland Security, giving it access to the three acres of land of Lipan Apache Eloisa Tamez, who has been fighting the seizure of her land by the US to build the border wall.
The action follows the Nazi-style action of Homeland Security in April, voiding all federal laws to build the border wall, including NAGPRA, American Indian Religious Freedom Act and all environmental laws that protect species such as the jaguar and Sonoran pronghorn.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff waived 36 federal laws to build the border wall using the Real ID Act. Defenders of Wildlife, the Sierra Club and Congressmen are asking the Supreme Court to intervene, pointing out that Chertoff has overstepped his bounds and is outside the law.
Judge grants US access to land:
Photo of Eloisa Tamez and her daughter Margo Tamez on family land in South Texas. Photo Arnoldo Garcia

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