Friday, April 18, 2008

NY: Preparations underway for UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues ‘08 A Preparatory Meeting/Teach-In Co-Sponsored by Indigenous Environmental Network and the
Seventh Generation Fund for Indigenous Development

THE CHURCH CENTER, 777 United Nations Plaza, 44th Street & 1st Avenue, 8th Floor
Saturday - April 19, 2008
8: 30am Breakfast
9:00am Traditional Greetings – Elder - Oren Lyons, to be confirmed
Welcome and Introductory comments – Facilitated by Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network and Tia Oros, Seventh Generation Fund
9:30am Introduction to the United Nations: A Brief Overview and Orientation to the world of the United Nations and the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues
- Peggy Bird (Kewa) Native Women’s Advocacy Center
- Tonya Gonnella Frichner (Onondaga) North American Regional Representative to the UNPFII / SGF Vice Chair, to be confirmed
10:30 – 11:30am Navigating the UN and the PFII System – How to Engage and be Effective
· Yolanda Teran (Kichwa) Andes Chinchasuyo
· Manny Pino (Acoma), Laguna-Acoma for a Safe Environment and Indigenous Environmental Network
11:30am – Noon Questions and Answers (Q and A)
12 – 1 pm Lunch
1 – 2:30pm Panel on Indigenous Issues and Strategies Related to Climate change, Bio-Cultural Diversity and Livelihoods
· Casey Horinek-Camp, (Ponca), Pa-Tha-Tah Society, Oklahoma
· George Poitras,(Mikisew Cree First Nation), Alberta Canada
· Arthur Manuel (Neskonlith Band of Shushwap) Indigenous Network on Economies and Trade, British Colombia, Canada
· Anastasia Pinto (Meitei) CORE Centre for Organisation Research & Education (Indigenous Peoples' Centre for Policy and Human Rights in India's Eastern Himalayan Territories, MANIPURIndia)
2:30- 3 pm Q and A
3 pm Final thoughts
3:30pm Adjourn – Delegations will get registered or attend the Global Indigenous Caucus

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