Mohawk Nation News
April 28, 2008. These colonists are floating over us trying to land, like a ship from outer space. They hover trying to gobble us out of existence. This is about a vast tract of Haudenosaunee land in eastern Ontario. How do we know there were any Indigenous people here? Archaeologists have found evidence of longhouses and burial mounds. Guess what? “No’gonquins” [Algonquins] did not build longhouses or burial mounds. The evidence shows that the pre-historic people who lived here were Iroquois, just like the people who live here today. That’s why Ottawa and Ontario are trying to take control of the burial sites so that no one can see the evidence that proves they’re Haudenosaunee/Iroquois.
Ron “Boner” Williamson, the archaeologist hired by Ontario [Archaeological Services Inc.] states that “All “Archaic peoples are forerunners of the Algonquin people”. Is this a joke! Is he saying that all pre-historic people eventually turn into Algonquins? The colonial governments, corporate investors, mining companies, developers, bankers, military, academics, archaeologists, historians, churches and fake “Indian” communities want our resources. So they’ve set up a huge “twisted history” scam. All the history and maps of the area have been altered. Whole communities of fake Algonquins have been created. Some of the prominent “No’gonquins” are: Doreen Davis, Robert Lovelace, Harold Perry, Paula Sherman and Randy Cota. [List of phony communities available].
Ron “We-have-a-bone-to-pick-with-him” Williamson says that the Algonquins, “occupied the whole area of Ontario”. This lie fades against the facts. The “Archaic People” were divided into two groups, the “Shield Archaic” who are the forerunners of the true Algonquin people and the “Laurentian Archaic” who are the forerunners of the Iroquois. They know that the Haudenosaunee would never give up anything to anybody. We’ve been designated by the natural world to take care of this part of Mother Earth. To push the fake history Mother Joan Holmes has been brought on board. She creates Algonquins and “Metis” from non-native European stock with the stroke of a quill.
Chris “From-the-Germanic-Tribe” Nahrgang has become chief of the newly formed “Kawathra Anishnawbek First Nation, “wannabes” who have become “Sons-of-bees”. They were hatched by Joan “Queen Bee” Holmes. She is the Indian Affairs hired paper “Indian” maker. She imagines herself to be a historian and genealogist. She is neither. She concocts false versions of our history by twisting the interpretations of church records and not by scientific scrutiny.
Joan Ho’lmes is the “registrar” and “membership clerk” who helps band elections go the Indian Affairs way. In the 2005 Kanehsatake Mohawk election she put hundreds of non-native people on the rolls so the results could be in favor of the Indian Affairs nominees. Holmes has a list of signed-up 2,500 wannabe “Algonquins” who are purportedly the same ones listed for each of the 9 newly-created virtual Algonquin communities. Overlap!
The “Shield Archaic” inhabited the Canadian Shield, which is mostly rock with very little topsoil. They were mainly hunters, fishers and gatherers. The climate and rocks did not allow them to bury their dead. They cremated them and left no trace. The true Algonquins are north of the Ottawa River. They support our struggle to bring out the truth. These Algonquins were part of the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal. Ron Williamson with Ministry of Natural Resources maps greatly reduced their land base. This map fantasizes No’gonquin territory as being south of the Ottawa, which, as we all know, is Haudenosaunee territory. The Hurons, who are Iroquois, gave the Confederacy the rights over their land. But they never left. There are quite a few at Six Nations who have married into the Cayuga Nation.
The “Laurentian Archaic” are the “Allegans” who are the ancestors of the Iroquois. They are much older than the Shield Archaic. They live south of the Canadian Shield. The climate and topography allowed us to develop agriculture. Corn was introduced to us from the south and was adapted to the northern climate. This stabilized our communities. We buried people in the ground in ceremonial mounds. These Iroquoian burial mounds exist on our territories, including Eastern Ontario.
The Kaianereh’ko:wa-Great Law territory is the eastern half of Onowaregeh, Turtle Island. The Laurentian Archaics came about 11,000 years ago. Before that the “Palaeo”, “Folsom” and “Clovis” were in the area, who are also our ancestors. [Alan D. McMillan, Native Peoples and Cultures of Canada. 1995, p. 61] The Algonquins were in the plains area in the Lake of the Woods, which is where Ontario and Manitoba come together. Their ancestors are a later group of Palaeo, the “Plano Palaeo”. Then about 3000 B.C. there was a climate change that forced the Shield Archaic to migrate south to the head waters of the Mississippi. They followed it down to where the Missouri drains into the Mississippi and then went on to the northwest into Montana where they stayed there for a while. Then they followed the Missouri back down to the Mississippi. At that point they wanted to cross east over to the other side of the river. They knew there was a race of people there who were giants, the ancient mound builders, the Allegans, who are Iroquois. We gave permission for them to cross. After they started crossing, we noticed there were more than we had bargained for. Our people started to become fearful of being overtaken. A fight started lasting for 100 years.
“Bone-Head” Williamson is making the false claim that the “Serpent Mounds” and “Petroglyf Park” near Peterborough are Ojibway. These petroglyfs are similar to those found at Safe Harbor in Pennsylvania at the mouth of the Chesepeake Bay. An archaeologist found that the people that lived nearby and some of the symbols might relate to the Lenape who are Algonquin. The area is in fact the ancestral homeland of the Susquehannock in origin, who are Iroquois. [Donald A. Cadzo (1934) Petroglyfs in Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor Pennsylvania. 2001]
“White-Bone” Williamson invents Algonquin land as being from the southern tip of Georgian Bay to the farthest eastern convergence point of the Ottawa and St. Lawrence Rivers. This is where the Kanehsatake Mohawk community is located. There is presently a 250 sq. mi. claim to this Mohawk land being made by squatters, Canada and the Sulpician Order. The oldest treaty in Canada is the 1701 Great Peace of Montreal which covers the Nan-Fan Treaty area. [Map attached] The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources uses the Ontario Archaelogical Society to promote its fake maps of the reconfigured treaty areas from Haudenosaunee to bogus Algonquin lands. For example, they’ve taken the NanFan Treaty area and cut it down to less than one-third of the original mass. The Nanfan area is 1200 miles by 2400 miles stretching past Lake Michigan all the way to the east coast of Turtle Island, south to Florida and north to Hudson’s Bay. This 1701 treaty with the British was meant to protect us from encroachment by the invaders. The French were out to destroy, kill and rob us. Most of our villages and people were annihilated or we were enslaved. This was followed in August 1701 by the Great Peace of Montreal to regulate peaceful trade and commerce with the French and their native allies, the Hurons and Algonquins. The Williams Treaty area of 1923 covers south central Ontario, which is also being officially designated by Ontario as Algonquin land. All of this is remains Haudenosaunee Territory. In 1701 the Confederacy took over trusteeship of Huron lands because they broke the Great Peace. Huron land is north of Kincardin Ontario, north of Hawkesbury Ontario to Mattawa on the Ottawa River by Parry Sound. This is now designated as Algonquin land for the fraudulent land claims settlement. The Neutrals, who were Iroquoian, also gave stewardship of their original homeland over to the Six Nations. It was from Kincardon Ontario to Hawkesbury Ontario to south of Lake Erie.
Ontario is creating fake maps of fake treaty areas and trying to give the land over to the fake Algonquins. They are really settlers who have signed up to be “no-gonquins” and a few who may feel they have some native ancestry. The fake Algonquins cannot lay claim to a huge land mass they never inhabited. The original Algonquins came to our villages during the winters and left in the spring. In the past this hospitality was known as the “bowl and spoon” relationship where we take care of each other. Anyone who disputes these facts is threatened. At the May 10, 2008 archaeological conference at Trent University in Peterborough Ontario, the seat of misinformation, William "Dried-up-old-bone" Woodworth of Michigan emailed a questioner who had been sent there by the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. He had asked about their lack of consultation with the true Indigenous people and their false maps on the burial mounds. This expert told the Indigenous attendee, “You have no inherent “right” given your own ancestry and education, both native and non-native… I know enough about you to discredit you very quickly.”
The Jesuits tried to say we conquered the Hurons and Eries and annihilated them. We did not wipe ourselves out! For 400 years the Jesuits have tried to hide their genocidal tactics. Only people like Joan Holmes can look at their records. They were Catholic mercenaries and missionaries on the side of the French. They brought in troops to slaughter us, to bring diseases, alcohol, education and religion to break us down and reduce our population to less than 10%. There was no “conquest” and no “acquired rights”! We need to fight these “boogie men”. The Mississaugas are now trying to pass themselves off as “Neutrals”. We think they should call themselves the “Biased”! Hey, church and state, the world is not flat! This program of lies is well planned and has been going on for a long time. The unethical conduct of these operatives must be investigated. Charges for criminal fraud should be laid against them. Kahentinetha Horn, MNN Mohawk Nation News NanFan & 1701 Great Peace of Montreal map 1200 mi x 2400 mi
CONNECTING THE DOTS ON “SEWER RATS”, THEIR FAKE MAPS & CLAIMS 1). Joan Holmes & Ron Williamson testified at Ipperwash Enquiry on OPP murder of Dudley George2). Joan Holmes & Robert Lovelace [the fake Algonquin] 3). Robert Lovelace & Chris Reid [the “class action” pro bono ambulance chaser]4). Robert Lovelace, Chris Reid, & Kris Nahrgang [the newly created Algonquin chief]5). Chris Reid & Joan Holmes [who set up the fraud]6). Chris Reid & Kris Narhgang [who pat each other on the back]7). Kris Nahrgang, Ron Williamson & William "Bill" Woodworth [who promote lies about Iroquois burial mounds] 8). David Donelly, Heather Bastien, Luc Laine, Kris Nahrgang, Barb Harris, Cecil Sault [who are on Ron Williamson's First Nations Founding Circle that promotes MNR fake maps and fraudulent land claims]9). Ron Williamson & David Donelly [who phonies that create anything fake]10). David Donnelly & Chris Reid [this ambulance chaser pops up everywhere]11). Joan Holmes & Mike "Jesuit" Swinwood [the Jesuit connection]12). Dr. Thomas H.B. Symonds [another Jesuit connection] From activities of M. Ricci SJ in 1584 to other Jesuits until 1721, ...... 1576-1578 edited by Thomas H.B. Symons with the assistance of Stephen Alsford 13). Joan Holmes & David Donnelly [everybody knows Mother Joan]14). Heather Bastien, David Donnelly, Kris Narhgang, Luc Laine, Ron Williamson [the awesome cesspool foursome} Vastokas contact info: VASTOKAS, Joan (Prof. Emeritus) joan.vastokas@sympatico.caRomas Vastokas contact info: VASTOKAS, Ron (Prof. Emeritus) romas.vastokas@lrs.ltRon Williamson, Archaeological Services Inc., ADDRESS: 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5S 2P9 PHONE NUMBER: (416) 966-1069Fax: (416) 966-9723 rwilliamson@archaeologicalservices.on.caKris Narhgang RR # 4 Burleigh Falls, On. K0L 2H0 (705)654- 4661William " Bill" Woodworth Toronto, On. (416)504-7753Luc Laine 1360 Rue Des Charmes Laval, Qc. H7P 3R7 (450) 963-9208David Donnelly 416.703.1100 x 250 The Flatiron Building, 49 Wellington Street East, Toronto, Canada M5E 1C9Heather Bastien 535 Chief Thomas Martin Wendake, QC. G0A 4V0 (418) 843-5366David Sanford aka "Grey Eagle" (416) 850-2489Susan Jamieson University of Trent Anthropology Office: OC 130 Lab: OC 127Telephone: (705) 748-1011 x.7627 sjamieson@trentu.caBarb Harris 765-8512 1695 Chiefswood Rd. Ohsweken, On. N0A 1M0 (519) 445-2201(519) 445-4208 faxJason J. Annibale LL.B., B.A.H. Associate Phone: +1 416 863 4795 Email: 1 First Canadian Place 39th Floor 100 King Street West Toronto, Ontario M5X 1B2Tel.: +1 416 863 4511 Fax: +1 416 863 4592Joan Holmes & Associates 7 Hinton Ave. North, Suite 200 Ottawa, Ontario,Canada K1Y 4P1 Phone: (613) 722-7675 Fax: (613) 722-0787 in the Susquehanna River near Safe Harbor, Pennsylvaniahttp:// Mounds in Ontario) II.pdf ( Lenape, Mengwe & Allegewi) ( Susquehannock) IROQUOIS MOUNDS See Category: “Sharbot Lake“ New MNN Books Available Now! The books below, email us: Mohawk Warriors Three - The Trial of Lasagna, Noriega, 20/20$20.00 usd The On-Going Confusion between The Great Law and The Handsome Lake Code$20.00 usd The Agonizing Death of "Colonialism" and "Federal Indian Law" in Kaianere'ko:wa/Great Law Territory $20.00 usd Who's Sorry Now? The good, the bad and the unapologetic Mohawks of Kanehsatake $20.00 usd Rebuilding the Iroquois Confederacy Karoniaktajeh $10 usd Warriors Hand Book Karoniaktajeh $10 usd - Mail checks and money orders to... MNN P.O. Box 991 Kahnawake, QC J0L 1B0 Purchase t-shirts, mugs and more at our CafePress Store Subscribe to MNN for breaking news updates Sign Women Title Holders petition! Link to MNN Get the code and banners to link to Mohawk Nation News. Your Support - Make a contribution to our newsgroup. Secure your online transaction with PayPal®. Nia:wen, Kahentinetha Horn Speaking & Contemporary Native Issues Workshops Katenies Manager Stay tuned! Please forward this email to a friend!
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