Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Rough morning for the Long Walkers

By Brenda Norrell

NOB NOSTER, MO -- The Longest Walkers on the northern route are a tough group of people. The long timers have walked over the Sierra Nevadas and the Rocky Mountains and remain strong under tough conditions. But things are rough.

This morning, after the lightning and thunder of a storm above their tents at 3 am, Long Walkers readied to head out with two more vehicles falling apart. Already the main bus is in the repair shop and in need of $6,000 in repairs. Only because one vehicle started running again at the last minute, was the group able to head out from Nob Noster State Park and return to where they left off on the walk the day before. It wasn't until the cars were being loaded that a stay place for the night was confirmed. Then there was more rain.

Please consider supporting the Longest Walk Northen Route and this prayer walk for Mother Earth, now in the heart of Turtle Island, in whatever way you can.

The Earthcycles radio bus from the northern route will be at the International Indian Treaty Council human rights forum at Southern Illinois University on Friday and the Cahokia Mounds Powwow in Collinsville, Ill., on Saturday. A delegation from the northern route is struggling to make it there.

We hope to see you there.
Cahokia Mounds Powwow:

On the Longest Walk Northern Route, Brenda Norrell

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