Saturday, July 19, 2008

Canadian Police attempting to serve Kahentinetha with charges

Police are attempting to serve Kahentinetha Horn, publisher of Mohawk Nation News, with charges at her home. Special agents at the Canadian border attacked and beat Kahentinetha, 68, and she suffered a trauma induced heart attack on June 14. She is now in recovery from the heart attack. Katenies, Mohawk grandmother, was also beaten.
Please take action:

Mohawk Nation News Alert:
This phony colonial "border business" is getting even wilder! It's either the last gap of colonialism or else we are about to fall into another dark age.
MNN internet can't send out articles from its list because it's been jammed for three days. Also no snail mail has arrived for about 10 days, not even bills except for the hydro. People can send donations for legal defense through PayPal at
Also the phone keeps cutting off. Kahentinetha put up a "no trespassing" sign with a pole leaning next to it [as per the "Shot Gun treaty"] out in the front of her property in Kahnawake. This kept the local Indian cops and their RCMP escort from entering her property to serve her with charges. Don't know what they'll do next. She is still trying to recover from the trauma induced heart attack she suffered on June 14th at the hands of the Cornwall border guards. Her doctors have ordered her to stay quiet and avoid stress. There is nothing she can do to avoid the stress caused by the phony arrest warrant. The Akwesasne Mohawk police who witnessed the abuse at the border are trying to charge Kahentinetha and Katenies, the two victims, with something or other on behalf of the "white" border guards. The Indian police are supposed to protect Indians, in this case two grandmothers, from being beaten right in the middle of the Indian community. Instead they are taking charges out against them on behalf of the foreign border guards who beat them up!!! What's next? Your donations would be appreciated because the legal issues are complicated and lawyers can't work for free. We would also appreciate anything you can do to stop this madness. MNN Mohawk Nation News http://www.mohawknationnews/ "MNN", Box 991, Kahnawake [Quebec, Canada] J0L 1B0 - Send an email to notify us about your donation. MNN

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