Thursday, July 10, 2008

Dooda Desert Rock with Longest Walk in DC

Elouise Brown, president of Dooda Desert Rock, and Dennis Banks, speak to Long Walkers in Greenbelt Park in Maryland on Thursday evening. Navajos are opposing another power plant on their land in the Four Corners area, where unreclaimed uranium mines, oil and gas wells and power plants already poison the earth, water and air of Navajos. Listen now live to presentations in camp:
Highlights of Schedule:
Friday, July 117:30 am Converge at Malcolm X Park and walk to White House
1:30 pm: Walk to Capitol steps, Constitution Ave NE and Independence Ave SW
4:30 pm: Closing ceremony at Washington Monument. Presentation of sacred staffs and items
Walk to Sylvan Theater: Washington Monument, 15th St and Independence Ave SW
7:30 pm Honoring walkers; film tribute to Floyd Westerman and Vernon Bellecourt
Saturday, July 12
9:30 am: Water ceremony at Lincoln Memorial
Noon: Powwow at Nation Museum of the American Indian (4th St on DC Mall)
Sunday, July 13
10 am: Powwow at National Museum of American Indian
2 to 6 pm: Concert

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