Saturday, August 9, 2008

Peace and unity march against border wall in Tigua region

From: Jay J. Johnson-Castro, Sr.
Afternoon folks,
The border wall has not yet been built in Texas. But it is coming ... unless we build a wall of opposition. The dates will be August 27-31. Here is a breakdown of the August 27-31protest march against the border wall.August 27 (Wed). Kick off cultural event in Fort Hancock.August 28 (Thu). From Fort Hancock, walk to Alamo Alto. August 29 (Fri). From Alamo Alto, walk to Tornillo, hold community event. End in Fabens. August 30 (Sat).From Fabens, walk to San Elizario, hold community event. End in SanYsleta del Sur with the Tiguas community.
August 31(Sun). Morning ceremony in San Ysleta del Sur .
Then to El Paso. After arriving in El Paso, a bi-naional event will be held in Anapra, Chihuahua and Sundland Park, NM. You know! It was not many years ago that we called an "iron curtain" something immoral and inhumane, something that only cruel and hateful people would do to their fellow man, a product of a totalitarian enemy. So, from the Pacific Coast to the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, from both sides of the border we invite all citizens of good will, organizations, faiths and media to join us in this peaceful and united protest against the border. wall. Below this update are two letters. Of any city along the US-Mexico border, El Paso is the one with the deepest and longest history, some four centuries of human struggle and quest to preserve peace and unity. Yet, the far away powers of greed and callous seem to condemn each generation of El Pasoans to more division and oppression. The border wall is the latest assault against this community. 56 miles of "iron curtain" is the longest stretch of the proposed border wall against any populace along the entire US-Mexico border. While hundreds of miles of border wall has been constructed along the southern 1950 miles of US, of all the border cities, no other city or community is subject to as many miles of border wall. In solidarity, we cannot allow that to happen to them. We must join them in solidarity to oppose this assault against their community. We can show solidarity in many ways. Join the march, forward this information, donate to the event, post the event on blogs, and encourage the media to not allow such an historic event to be suppressed at the national level. So, please feel free to join us and liberally share this information with others.In solidarity against the border wall.
Border Ambassadors
Connecting the Dots
Making a difference~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jay J. Johnson-Castro, Sr.(830)768-0768
(830)734-8636 (cell)

US-Mexican Peace and Unity March
"One Community United Against the Wall"
To the Residents of the Borderlands,
The people of the border share and are united by a history, a language, a culture. While this land may be separated by an international boundary, the people cannot be divided. As construction begins on the proposed border wall, it stands to not only further divide the land but to divide the people.
We of the border are one community. We are all affected when our neighbors are displaced from their homes, are all affected by waves of violence, by unemployment and anti-immigrant measures. As the borderlands experience a difficult time, we cannot be passive and simply hope for change. We cannot allow our community to be parted and so it is for ourselves and our future that we must stand together in an act of solidarity.
As the border wall cuts the land, it cuts the communities of the border and tries to create differences among them. This wall, imposed upon us by those who do not live here, is said to be a form of "security" but there can be no security when division and hate are created.
It's time that we mobilize to stop the building of the wall!
We are urging you to join the Peace and Unity March against the wall. On Wednesday evening, August 27, marchers will gather at Ft. Hancock for a cultural event to celebrate the beginning of the March. On Thursday August 28, the participants will walk to Alamo Alto. Friday, August 29, the march will stop to rest and a community event in Tornillo and end the day in Fabens. The march will continue Saturday, August 30, an will make a rest stop in San Elizario for a community action, to continue to Socorro. After a morning ceremony in Ysleta del Sur on Sunday, August 31, the march will continue to El Paso. A binational act in Anapra/Sunland Park will end the protest.
Those wishing to take part in the march can do so in a number of ways. Marchers are invited to participate for the entire five days, for any shorter amount of time or for the nightly events only. Donations of food, water, and transportation are needed along with monetary contributions. Whether or not you take part in any other way, everyone can help the march by publicizing it and discussing the issues with your friends, family, and neighbors.
Now is the time to act, now is the time to create the change we want to see. With this march, we will show the world that we are one community united against the wall: one voice speaking out for peace.
Join the march! Let us know if you are willing to participate in any way.
Carlos Marentes
On behalf of the Planning Group

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