Saturday, August 9, 2008

SICKO: Ottawa hosts warmongers trade show

Ottawa hosts warmongers trade show

by Iako’ha:kowa of Sharbot Lake, Haudenosaunee Territory and Mohawk Nation News Staff
August 4, 2008. War is illegal. Did Canada forget? In 1989 there was a ban on military trade shows in Ottawa. Now the industry is going to sneak one on us. War or fascism is preceded by techniques to PSYCHE out the opponents or victims to scare everybody into hopeless despair. One way is to parade military and despotic hardware in front of the public to get us use to it. Hitler, Mouselini and Stalin all used this tactic.
TV ads are recruiting youth into the military; video war games extol death and destruction; air shows mesmerize children and glamorize bomber planes that kill people; and military trade shows promote the war industry. Soon only innocent human beings will be killed. It’s called “low level warfare” designed to attack the unarmed people.This "Pukey Canada 2008" trade show for war makers is the height of absurdity, at Ottawa's Lansdowne Park on September 30 to October 1st. It’s about cutting edge "remote warfare" to help their military and police agents of repression in their quest for global domination and control.
There they can buy all the lethal trinkets they need to kill, control or maim us from afar without getting their fingers dirty. Exhibitors will show off toxic toys for domestic control such as uav's [remote unmanned flying objects that shoot s..t at people] and all manner of satellite spy ware. This “Nauseating Canada” trade show will feature C4ISR “gizmos” to "command, control, communications and computer based intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance". They hope to have domestic repression of Turtle Island in place by 2010. As if!
Watch out, unarmed protestors! You could be used as practice targets of these newly equipped gunslingers. 20 of the 58 exhibitors are members of the “Canadian Association of Defence and Security Industries” CADSI known as the “merchants of death”. They are Boeing Aerospace, Canadian Center for Unmanned Vehicle Systems, Canadian Defence Review, Commissionaires, Dessau, ESRI Canada, Frontline Robotics, Green Hills Software, Harris Canada, Inc., Meggitt, M/ACOM Tyco Electronics, and Technopole Defense. [Excuse us, since when has Canada been attacked? Where are the imaginary enemies? They are the enemies of the people.] L3 Mas, CAE and General Dynamics Canada are on the CADSI board. L3 Communications Holdings Inc. is on the "list of 38 companies that the Canadian Securities and Exchange Commission fingered as involved in 'put options' profiteering on 911".
Who are these “Wannabee Big Shots”?: Frontlines Robotics, [CADSI member] based in Ottawa, has offices in Israel. Jeremy “Jiminy Jim” James is the president and ceo. They work with InRob Tech that specializes in military robots and remote controlled vehicles. They can kill men, women and babies without getting a scratch.
Their "perimeter security" are robots that guard anything from nuclear reactors to military bases. GreenHills Software, a US outfit, has offices in Ottawa. They work with CAE, IBM, Lockheed Martin (F35 Joint strike fighters), Toshiba, Raytheon, Toyota (Prius), Ford (Lincoln Aviator), Northrop Grunman (Airbus 380), Nera Wireless Networking and many other companies. They'll be at the “RealTime & Embedded Computing [How-to-Slaughter] Conferences” in Ottawa and Montreal at the end of August. Technopôle Defence & Security, [CADSI member] based in Quebec City is a professional business network.
They set up trade shows and bring together butchers like "technology integrators, producers and suppliers, private and public research and development centres, universities and other educational institutions and government departments and agencies" that are researching more ways to kill people. Technopole's members include SNC, TEC, DRDC, General Dynamics Canada, Universite Laval, CGI, Thales Systems, and lesser known companies like Telops, Analytical Systems, Opto Security, Black Coral, Creaform, RoboMotio, Gentec and Cargolution. Canada Economic Development is their main partner and funder.
Why aren’t there any trade shows on how to defend ourselves from these homicidal maniacs? Black Coral of Ottawa "specializes in map enabled technologies" to help their “hired guns”, like police and military agencies, during "emergencies" and "terrorist events" [which they’ll create!]. If they’re so smart, why did the Winnipeg cops shoot and kill an Indigenous man who had a cell phone in his hand and not a knife?
Black Coral's advisory board consists of three men with long police or military careers. Phil "He aint my Brother" Murray, former Commissioner of the RCMP, was a member of the Research Advisory Committee on the “Ipperwash Commission of Inquiry into Aboriginal Relations with the Police”. It carefully studied the OPP murder of Indigenous demonstrator, Dudley George, on how to get away with it without being questioned.
Creepy Phil seems to have a sinister interest in Indigenous people. Phil is a Member of the Advisory Panel for the “Cornwall Commission of Inquiry into Historical Sexual Abuse” by police, church, city, judiciary, Childrens Aid and other public bodies.
Jim "Freaky James" Fraser is retired from the US military where he trained police assassins on SWAT tactics. He is a member of the Fort Benning Georgia “Officer Candidate Hall of Fame”.
Fort Benning is famous for the “School of the Americas” (SOA) that sets up “death squads” in third world regimes. They teach advanced brutality and torture.
Jim’s specialty is creating “terrorist events”. These insane guys create dire situations so they can use their evil toys.
Bob "Sleeps-Hanging-Upside-Down-from-a-Technopole" Fischer, a past President of CADSI, was in the Canadian military before going to General Dynamics Canada. He became Vice President Business Development and Government Relations. He is now the current Chairman of the “Canadian NATO Industry Advisory Group”.
The “St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency” of New York State is boogying up to the Sec Can trade show. They say they "act as a liaison between your firm, local municipalities, financing sources and governmental agencies".
In other words, they’re going there to party with “war-like minds”! These sadistic ghouls could be offering a space in NYS to make tools of repression? St. Lawrence County is near the Mohawk community of Akwesasne. These perverts want to boost the economy with a military buildup. The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Canada Chapter will be promoting their own “show within a show”, sponsored by General Atomics Aeronautical Systems. Imstat president, Tom Last, could run the UAV's by remote control from their lab in Carleton Place just outside of Ottawa.Well Known Big Shots/Bigots: CAE of Montreal has a current annual revenue of over $1.2B [which can kill an awful lot of people].
They get a lot of research and development money, a term for “corporate welfare” or money from the government. They specialize in civil and military simulations for full flight training, such as for the C130 Hercules and many fighter planes plus helicopters, as well as commercial jets. CAE will hold a special shareholders meeting on August 13 at the Hotel Bonaventure in Montreal. They have 2 boards, one in Canada and another in the US, made up mostly of retired military. [Geez! They should be stopping these terrorists from coming over the border instead of inviting them!] Marc "Wants to Kill Other People's Children" Parent, previously of Bombardier, is on both CAE boards. He’s the Group President, Simulation Products and Military Training & Services. Morbid Marc is on the board at CADSI and the Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC). Another noxious CAE director is James "who-blows-out-missile-exhaust” Hankinson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ontario Power Generation Inc. CAE announced at a July 8 air show in the UK that it had $128 million in new contracts. They’re making a flight simulator for Bombardier's Montreal training center.
Lurking In The Shadows: Oxford educated David "Living-High-on-the-Hog" Luxton thinks he’s a major driving force in Ottawa's make-war industry. [see photo at]. He was in the Canadian military. He’s been a bureaucrat, advisor in the Privy Council where Canada 's laws are drafted, Director and Registrar of Copyright and Industrial Design for Canada. ”Warped” Luxton is founding president and ceo at Allen Vanguard, an Ottawa based electronics manufacturer of terrorist gadgetry for their mercenaries. They used to test their bomb suits, robots and other CBRNE [chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive] stuff at MREL's facility near Sharbot Lake where they loved simulating mangled corpses. Then MREL was shut down by protesters in the summer of 2007. Allen Vanguard has plants in Pembroke Ontario and other places. Ken Deane, the OPP sniper who shot and killed Dudley George, was hired by Allen Vanguard as a security guard after being kicked out of the OPP. He died in a car "accident" on the 401 just before he was to testify at the Ipperwash Inquiry.”Canker Sore” Luxton is also founding president of Def [Death] Sec, an Ottawa investment company for the military industry. Luxton and Ken Murray founded Simunition which specializes in police and military "reality training" with "projectiles" like paint ball.
They teach cops how to overcome their fears and shoot to kill. War Monger Luxton is on the board of CADSI. Though his companies may not be exhibiting at the Sec Can trade show, he'll be hanging around looking over the projectiles. Luxton supports the elite cartel that doesn’t like Indigenous and people of color, want to plunder the Earth's riches and set up a global government. Like his buddies, he's locked into a “terrorkillhigh” adrenalin mindset, who needs to get it off regularly.
That’s no excuse for his inhumanity. Someone should get him into “war monger rehab” in a remote Indigenous community quick!Look out for shadowy Frenchman, Marcel "Mortal-Liquidateur" Picciotto, president and ceo of Thales Systems Canada based in Montreal with offices in Ottawa. [CADSI board for 3 years]. Thales, a French company had sales of $12 billion in 2007. They specialize in C4ISR for armies, navies, air forces and anybody with the cash. Thales have just renewed their deal with NATO to expand communications and logistics in Afghanistan. [Whoa! Who wants to keep this war going and why? It’s big bucks for someone! High taxes for the rest!Thales makes flight control systems for Bombardier and other plane builders and control systems for railways. Just in time for the Olympics,
Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corp. has launched its Thales contact-less fare collection system. [Are non-payers disintegrated?] JeanMarc Gardin, Vice President and Managing Director of Thales remarked, "China represents a huge opportunity for us..." These incestuous companies work together on ‘genocide’ projects.
These “glorified gunmen” fancy themselves to be an elite bunch. They use their sadistic delusions to siphon a lot of money from the public purse. Indigenous people constantly resist the theft of our freedom. We are defenders of the land and the Earth's riches. We stand in the way of big military plans for the St. Lawrence/Great Lakes region. We all have minds to think and untapped abilities and creativity that can resolve overwhelming dilemmas. No one person has ALL the answers. Each can contribute a piece to the puzzle. Our sense of isolation and alienation in Western society is designed to make us feel alone and vulnerable. There is much strength in our ties to the Earth and each other. We need to work together to stop these ruthlessly demented demons.
Eagle Watch, Haudenosaunee Territory
Notes and Sources
Secure Canada 2008 Exhibitor List
CITY OF OTTAWA SEND THEM A MESSAGE TO CANCEL THE SHOWMayor Larry O'Brien and CouncillorsCity of Ottawa, 110 Laurier Avenue West,Ottawa, K1P 1J1Phone them at (613) 580 2400 or 1 866 261,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Doug MooreA/Director, Real Property Asset Management (RPAM) BranchCity of Ottawa110 Laurier Avenue West Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J16135802424 x413017 6135602718Mail Code: 2686 douglas.moore@ottawa.caCADSI Canadian Association of Defence and Security IndustriesList of Merchants of Death THE EXHIBITORS WILL BE STAYING AT: Les Suites Hotel, Ottawa, 130 Besserer Street, Ottawa, K1N 9M9 Robotics Inc. 6968 McKeown Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K4P 1A2Tel: +1.613.739.2687 Toll Free: 866.450.2687 (within North America)Fax: Tech Hills Software Canada, Ltd., 555 Legget Drive, Suite 304, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2K 2X3 Tel: 613.271.2115 Fax: 613.271.2121ôle Defence & Security, Sonia Lebel,Building 200, Office 103, South Site, DRDC Valcartier,2459, PieXI Blvd North, Quebec, Quebec Canada G3J1X5Tel: 4188442454 Fax: 4188442739Email: sonia.lebel@technopoleds.orgWebsite: Coral, 25 Holland Ave, Suite 200, Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 4R9 . Canada Sales Office: 221 W. Park Avenue . Tallahassee . Florida . 323021774 . Dynamics Canada"Canada's C4ISR System Integrator"General Dynamics Canada3785 Richmond Rd, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 5B7Tel.: +1 613 5967000 Fax: +1 613 5967396and expanding to a huge new space at 350 Legget in Kanata Research Park, just down the street from GreenHills Software.General Dynamics Canada31 Millbrook Avenue Dartmouth, Nova Scotia B2V 0A2Tel.: +1 902 4063701 Fax: +1 902 4043119General Dynamics Canada102068th Avenue N.E. Calgary, Alberta, T2E 8P2Tel.: +1 403 2956700 Fax: +1 403 7301197St. Lawrence County Industrial Development Agency80 State Highway 310, Suite 6, Canton, New York 13617(315) 3799806 info@slcida.comAssociation for Unmanned Vehicle Systems InternationalAnne Healey, Executive Director, AUVSICanada60 Queen Street, Suite 1206, Ottawa, ON K1P 5Y7Tel: 6132347542 Fax: 613 232 INC., Ms. Nathalie Bourque,8585 CôtedeLiesse, St Laurent, Quebec Canada H4L 4X4Tel: (514) 7345788 Fax: (514) 7345718Email: Website: CORPORATION5459 Canotek Road, Ottawa, Ontario K1J 9M318004299198 16137498343,Photo of David Luxton SecDEFSEC Corporation, David Luxton304131 Wurtemburg St., Falling Waters BuildingOttawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 1J2Tel: 613 769 5353 (nothing there) (613) 7895136Luxton is also contact person for Ottawa Security Cluster Canada Inc7190 FrederickBanting Street, Suite 100StLaurent, Quebec H4S 2A1Contact: Hélène Fortier Manager, Communications +1 514 832 2935Thales Canada Inc.David W. Spagnolo, 1 Chrysalis Way, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2G 6P9Tel: (613) 7237000 Fax: (613) 7235600Email: Website:
Here are some emails for the gentry all grouped together for easy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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