Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Censored News launches Blog Talk Radio program

Censored News launches Blog Talk Radio program

By Brenda Norrell

SAN FRANCISCO -- Censored News launched Censored News Blog Radio on Tuesday. The first broadcast was dedicated to Long Walker Lewis 'Mucaw' Jefferson, Quechan, who passed to the Spirit World. The dedication was made with the AIM song by Calvin Magpie and the Longest Walk Northern Route singers at Cahokia Mounds, recorded by Earthcycles.
The show featured Morning Star Gali on the Shellmound Walk; Long Walker Harry's reflections on sheepherding and service with the Black Mesa Caravan on Navajoland; Mohawk Mark Maracle at the AIM-West 40-year Reunion and KPFA's Alcatraz Free Radio interviews with Clyde Bellecourt and Lenny Foster.
Today's show, on Wednesday, Dec. 3, 2008, is the Emergence of the American Indian Movement. Bill Means remembers Raymond Yellow Thunder and the birth of AIM. Clyde Bellecourt speaks of the impacts of AIM. Award-winning Anishinabe singer Keith Secola's songs round out the broadcast. The sounds were recorded by Earthcycles, producer Govinda Dalton and cohost Brenda Norrell, at the AIM-West 40-year Reunion in San Francisco, Nov. 24 -- 28.
Listen to yesterday and today's programs:

Photo: Kieth Secola at AIM-West 40-year Reunion in San Francisco, Nov. 24 -28, 2008. Photo Brenda Norrell

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