Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Shellmound Walkers Honor Ohlone Ancestors

Shellmound Walk by those that respect the Ohlone ancestors and honor Sacred Burial Grounds

by Francisco Da Costa
Every year the Shellmound Walkers visit the various Shellmounds, Sacred Burial Grounds in the Bay Area and pay their respects to the Ohlone ancestors. The First People of San Francisco and the Bay Area. We have many Shellmounds, the San Bruno Mountains, the Bayview Hill, the two hills that were but demolished by the U.S. Navy at Hunters Point. Other Shellmounds that one can read about, if they go to any decent Library.
Shellmounds are Sacred Burial Grounds and the First People have Patrimonial Jurisdiction over these Sacred Sites.
Of course in San Francisco, the Bay Area, the various Cities and Counties do not respect the Ohlone, because they are NOT on the Federal Register. Imagine being treated as second class citizens in America, the home of the First People, the Native American.
The Ohlone were here for over 10,000 years all carbon dated and documented.
The United States Government signed treaties -- eighteen to be precise -- and never, ever ratified them. Some tribes were on the Federal Register, but the Bureau of Indian Affairs chose to remove some Tribes without justification from the Federal Register.
Case in point the Muwekma Ohlone. The Muwekma Ohlone were on the Federal Register until 1927 and then illegaly removed by one L.A. Dorrington, a Bureau of Indian Affairs agent.
The Shellmounds are healing points that I believe are important. But, to see them as healing points, one must be educated on issues. Of course be sensitive to the Native American.
Until 1924 it was legal to kill any Native American -- no questions asked -- think about that for a second. The land was stolen: Native American women raped and killed and with them innocent children. Such atrocities cry to heaven for restitution and of course there is Karma.
Those that practice “Greed” destroy what is good by polluting, desecrating the graves, and do injustice to all that should be respected. They foul the air and bring disgrace on the human race.
We have atrocities committed in the Bay Area and we witness it mostly with the remains linked to the Ohlone, when found are not treated with respect.
The Shellmound Walkers walk miles and bring honor and respect to the millions they represent every year. It is always a pleasure to see the Shellmound Walkers, in action and witness their acts of kindness.
This year the Shellmound Walk started on November 14 and end November 28, 2008.
Enjoy the photographs:
Francisco Da Costa, Director
Environmental Justice Advocacy

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