Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Carter Camp: Passing of Chris Westerman

From Carter Camp:

I just recieved a call from Chris Westermans son who told me his Dad began his journey to the Spirit World yesterday. He said arrangements are preliminary but the plan is to bury him at Sissiton this Saturday. Chris is the brother of Floyd Westerman who also passed on recently. Chris was a long time AIM brother and Wounded Knee veteran where he served as one of the main warriors who did the hard task of guiding our supply caravans in and out of the Knee. He was also a Sundancer who danced for many years and now his sons are following in his path. They were with us at Crowdogs Paradise Sundance this weekend dancing alongside the memorial for Floyd the Westerman family had brought to our sundance this year. It was here they found out their Dad was very ill and didn't have long to live. Please let those around the nation who know Chris and the Westerman family know about this tragic news and let's all keep them in our prayers. Carter

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