Friday, February 5, 2010

A birthday breakfast and more blogging

Today began with my treating Simone to breakfast for her 27th birthday. Funny, but one of the last posts about my daughter ("Big brother, big sister") was her treating me to a birthday dinner. You'd think all we do is pack on the calories together. Not true.

I've often wondered whether the bond I feel with Simone stems more from the father-daughter relationship or the fact that she, like me, is a middle child with an academic bent. It's a lot of both, I'm sure.

In any case, it's great to talk to her about everything going on in her life -- home, work, career, social events (a weekly ethnic potluck for viewing "Project Runway") -- and share some of what's happening with me.

Speaking of which...

My "blogosphere" class at Portland State has nine registered students, far fewer than the 30-plus I had a year ago. Judging from tonight's first four-hour segment, this is a good group and I anticipate some good discussions Saturday and Sunday. I eased into the topic today with a writing exercise intended to reveal the students' characteristics and values, followed by a leisurely introduction to the world of blogging -- how many are doing it, how and why they do it, etc.

We'll explore more aspects of the interconnected world of blogs, including discussion of some real-life ethical situations, and hear from guest speakers both days.

With a schedule like this, I won't see Simone again until Sunday night when all of us gather for a home-cooked dinner to celebrate her special day. Then, she can share what she told me -- the story of the mom who wrote to her out of the blue to thank Simone for being such a positive influence and great help to her son as he attempts to find his way at an alternative high school and consider his options after graduation.

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