Saturday, February 13, 2010

"The Notorious Blago"

"People Who Matter 2010." That's the promo on Esquire's February issue and, as we all know, that's a pretty subjective way to describe the cast of characters found inside.

No arguing that Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi are two politicians who matter. As for the rest, you decide: Blake Lively, Jay-Z, Robert Gates, Ellen DeGeneres, Jerry Brown, Dana White, Rod Blogojevich.

While you're pondering that list -- by the way, Dana White is president of the mixed martial arts Ultimate Fighting Championship -- let me just say that if you read just one of these profiles, let it be "The Notorious Blago."

The disgraced former Illinois governor comes off as a true whack job, delusional and profane as a two-bit thug, as he blames political enemies for his indictment on 16 felony charges that he attempted to sell Obama's Senate seat. He actually believes he's going to beat the rap.

Seriously, you have to read this. Here's a taste:
"It's such a cynical business, and most of the people in the business are full of shit and phonies, but I was real, man — and am real. This guy [Obama], he was catapulted in on hope and change, what we hope the guy is. What the f***? Everything he's saying's on the teleprompter. I'm blacker than Barack Obama. I shined shoes. I grew up in a five-room apartment. My father had a little laundromat in a black community not far from where we lived. I saw it all growing up."
Read more: Rod Blogojevich interview.

Photo by Andrew Hetherington

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