Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quick Takes

1. On Monday of last week I had just finished using the ATM at the credit union near my office when I started walking up Broadway and ran into Debra Gwartney.

I've written about her before on this blog and it's a pleasure to do so again. Aside from being one of the kindest people I know, she's also one of the most talented. Her memoir, "Live Through This," had just been nominated for a National Book Critics Circle Award in autobiography.

Typical of her humility, she didn't even mention this as we chatted first about the class I'm preparing to teach this weekend at PSU and my desire to sit in on her memoir-writing class next quarter. I learned of the nomination a few hours after I got back to my desk and read the online post by The Oregonian's books editor, Jeff Baker.

It's an outstanding book -- the story of her two runaway daughters and how they reclaimed their relationship -- and deserving of all the accolades that already have come Debra's way.

Book cover image: Indie Bound

2. I'll admit to some butterflies as I prepare to teach the weekend class. I like to be over-prepared, not just prepared, so I'm sure I'll tinker with the curriculum right up until Friday afternoon, a few hours before the class begins.

I re-read a couple of comments from last year's students today and yesterday and they served as a nice confidence booster. Thank goodness for evaluation forms. Um, make that positive evaluation forms.

3. Still unwinding a bit from Week 4 of the Fat Tire Bowling League. What a great stress release it's been and just plain fun. I started off tonight with the worst game I've had in forever -- something like a 119 -- but then finished strong in the next two games. Came close to 200 again. Finished with a 197 (or was it 194?) in the final game.

That was nothing, though, compared to what went down four lanes to our left. Dude rolled a perfect 300 game. That's 12 strikes in a row, ladies and gentlemen. Pretty impressive.

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