Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wells Fargo 'Just says No' to Sheriff Arpaio

Puente Press Release/Contact: Salvador Reza 602 446-9928 http://www.puenteaz.org/
Date: February 10, 2010, Phoenix, AZ

Wells Fargo serves Sheriff Arpaio notice of eviction

“If Well Fargo lets Joe Stay, We will be here everyday”
Chant sung everyday by daily protesters at Wells Fargo Bank
Press Conference
Date: February 9, 2010
Time: 12:00 noon
Location: Corner of 1st Ave and Washington
In Front of Downtown Wells Fargo Bank

After one year and a half of daily demonstrations Wells Fargo sent letter to Maricopa County evicting Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Wells Fargo Property on the 18th and 19th floor. This is the culmination of continuous daily pressure by PUENTE Movement Organizers.
“This is a great victory for the Puente Movement which was responsible for evicting Sheriff Joe Arpaio from Pruitts Furniture Store two years ago.” said Salvador Reza.
The Phoenix New Times reported that Wells Fargo Bank Vice President Leo Bauman sent a letter to Dennis Lindsey, Maricopa County Real Estate Manager, stating that the bank “needs the space for its own use … but Bauman says the bank will waive the contract penalty fee of 12 months’ worth of rent for early termination.”
Rob McElwain who has been demonstrating daily in front of Wells Fargo said, “This is only the beginning. We will continue demonstrating until we evict Sheriff Joe and Andrew Thomas out of Maricopa County Government where they can no longer abuse their power or intimidate Maricopa County residents.” County Attorney Andrew Thomas also occupies two floors in the same building.
The Puente movement had asked the Wells Fargo Bank not to renew Sheriff Joe’s contract but they refused to heed our advice. Now Sheriff Joe is a symbol of repression and intolerance and an embarrassment to Maricopa County and to Law Enforcement Nationwide. Wells Fargo seems to finally have seen the light. However County Attorney Andrew Thomas is equally guilty of abusing our community and should also leave the Wells Fargo Building before we stop targeting Wells Fargo Bank.

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