Monday, August 2, 2010

Freedom Fighter Salvador Reza released from Arpaio's jail

EiHÉHE! (In Apache, THANK YOU!) - For helping toward the liberation of my brother, Salvador Reza, from Joe Arpaio’s jail early Saturday morning!!!!
Though you may have received my message requesting your help by signing the petition on the “Alto”Arizona” website after his release, I also recognize that your many years of contributing toward the full and complete liberation of Indigenous Peoples and others (consequently, toward that of all of humanity) with your caring, selfless efforts, offerings, sacrifices and prayers also contributed more than you may perceive at this time in your life toward creating the conditions that facilitated his release and regained freedom.
From the center of the heart of my spirit, once again, EiHÉHE, for contributing toward the release of my brother and the returning of this earth to full harmony and alignment with our Divine Creator, through whom everything is possible!!!!
I include below the links to “Alto Arizona,” “Puente,” “Tonatierra,” the “Coalición de Derechos Humanos,” and to Brenda Norrell’s Indigenous and Human Rights news site, where further details of his release can be found, and for continued updates on the critical struggles taking place in Arizona and throughout the continent, the painful effects of which are being felt primarily by Indigenous and impoverished people.

May the greatest of blessings possible be showered upon you in overflowing abundance.
With sincere gratitude,
Juan N. Reza “Cheno”
P.S. Feel welcomed to forward this to those you may have forwarded my message to requesting your support by signing the petition on Alto Arizona’s website for my brother’s release, that they may know my gratitude extends to them also.
Also see: Human rights protests interrupt first day of scheduled raids of SB 1070

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