Monday, August 2, 2010

In the news

From The Sunday Oregonian...

I'd been looking for a way to expand the dialogue in the Sunday Opinion section beyond the polarization that characterizes the mere mention of immigration. Some people immediately starting seeing red -- the conversation immediately veers to illegal immigration -- and the shouting begins, both online and in print.

So I was pleased to attend a recent roundtable discussion with the mayor sponsored by the nonprofit Latino Network. Much as I expected, education and economic development topped the list of concerns of people around the table. I wrote about it for yesterday's editions: "Latino equity: Opening conversation awaits follow-through"

From The New York Times...

Two weeks from today, I'm driving down to Salem to visit an old friend, Jon, so we can have dinner and watch a Class A minor league baseball game, the bottom rung of professional baseball. Only die-hard fans, I'm sure, have heard of the Salem-Keizer Volcanoes or their manager, Tom Trebelborn, a Portland native and former high school teacher who managed the Milwaukee Brewers and Chicago Cubs for several years.

So imagine my surprise when I turned to an inside page of Sunday's New York Times sports section and came across a lengthy feature about the Volcanoes and their 62-year-old manager: "Feeling Right at Home Back Where He Started." It may be the first time any article in the Times has begun with a "Keizer, Ore." dateline.

Looking forward to the game.

Photo of Tom Trebelhorn, far right, by Leah Nash for The New York Times.

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