Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks

So, Plan B is in place: Jordan and Jamie, and Jamie's parents and little sister, will join us and Nathan for Thanksgiving dinner this afternoon. Though it would have been nice to all be together on the cabin at the island, I can't complain.

Without sounding too maudlin, it's a day to be grateful for everything we have -- our health and home, our family and friends, a safe and diverse neighborhood, the companionship of our pets and, in this economy, the fact we still have two incomes and the opportunity to continue working in our chosen fields.

I rolled out of bed around 7:30 today, well after Lori had risen to prepare the turkey, and as I sat in the recliner by the window, with a cup of coffee and a bowl of steaming oatmeal, it didn't take much to realize how much there is to celebrate life's simple pleasures. It was utterly quiet, not even a bicyclist passing by. I watched the birds flitting about on a tree across the street and took note of Rudy's contented purring as he lay across my lap.

Anna Griffin, a columnist at The Oregonian, wrote this week of appreciating what we have right in front of us and keeping our complaints in perspective -- in other words, "no whining on the yacht," a phrase she borrowed from our local Congressman, Earl Blumenauer. I probably would have chosen a different metaphor but, still, I appreciate the thought and will express it in some form or another when we're all gathered about the table this evening.

P.S. Though Simone and Kyndall can't be with us today, we look forward to having them here during the Christmas and New Year's holidays.

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