Thursday, June 2, 2011

Dinner and two little Ewoks

Smidgen & Lori
After considerable driving Saturday and Sunday on our round-trip to Central Oregon, it was a luxury to have dinner across town Monday night at the home of Nathan and Sara.

They live in Southeast Portland in a modest two-bedroom home with a cozy kitchen, a huge fenced  backyard and a covered patio. It was our first time visiting them there, as Nathan just moved in a month ago with his girlfriend.

The dinner was delicious. Nathan slow-grilled some chicken with paprika and other spices until it was falling off the bone. Sara prepared a wonderful watercress, endive and radish salad with a lemon vinaigrette dressing and goat cheese crostini.

Uni talks to the hand
We also got the chance to meet their "roommates." Sara has two adorable Yorkshire Terriers -- a female named Uni and a male named Smidgen. They're about the same size as little bunnies and super friendly. If I didn't know better, I'd think the two little Ewoks were part of the cast in "Star Wars."

It's nice to see such a cute couple in their element. Hope to see 'em again this summer on their turf.

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