Saturday, June 14, 2008

Columbus Ohio Mayor expresses regret over police attack on Long Walkers

By Brenda Norrell

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman is expressing regret over the Columbus police attack on Long Walkers. Barry Landeros-Thomas from Columbus shares with Longest Walk Talk Radio the news from Mayor Coleman.
Gayle Gray, the mayor's community relations coordinator, expressed deep remorse for the attack on the Longest Walk by Columbus Police. The mayor's office said the mayor wants to make amends to the Longest Walkers.
Listen to the interview with Landeros-Thomas, as he joins Long Walkers, Luv the Mezenger and Marie Littlemoon, both victims of police brutality in Columbus, Ohio.
The video taken by Littlemoon shows the police attack on Luv after police pointed a taser between the eyes of Michael Lane, Menominee.
Listen on Earthcycles:

Video of Columbus Police Attack on Longest Walk
Longest Walk Northern Route: Video of Columbus Ohio police throwing Luv the Mezenger to the ground and tackling him.
This video by Long Walker Marie Littlemoon begins just after a taser was pointed between the eyes of Michael Lane, an attorney. The video shows Columbus Ohio police tackling Luv the Mezenger to the ground, where Luv sustained cuts and bruises. In the video during the police attack, you can hear the children crying and Yukio, Japanese Long Walker, drumming for peace:
Part II
Photo: Luv the Mezenger, Long Walker and peacemaker, in a wristlock by Columbus Ohio police. Photo Marie Littlemoon.

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