Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mohawks: 'Toronto' is Haudenosaunee Territory

Mohawk Nation News
May 31, 2008. Last November 2007 the Six Nations Confederacy reminded the Mississauga that Toronto sits on part of Haudenosaunee Territory. We refused to give up the 372 square miles of land on Lake Ontario. In 1787 the British brought in the Mississauga who are Algonquian from northern Ontario and got them to fraudulently sell our land to them. The Mississauga said, “It’s not our land, but we’d be glad to sell it to you!” They accepted L1,700 pounds and signed a blank sheet of paper. Why? Because they knew it wasn’t theirs. Now 221 years later Toronto is trying to buy it again ecause it wasn’t done “right” the first time. Once again, the colonists are trying to buy it from the Algonquian “misclaimers”.
Read article at Mohawk Nation News. See MNN website Category: “Canada“

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