Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Zapatistas, Oppression in Mexico

Warning to Zapatista: we’re coming back in two weeks
B28544 / Tue, 10 Jun 2008 12:13:36 / International

A group of 200 Mexican soldiers and federal and municipal police tried to enter a Zapatista community last Wednesday, June 4, under the pretext of searching for marijuana plants.
According to a recent communique from the Good Government Council, which you can find below, when the military convoy arrived the community told them to “Go back to where you came from, you aren’t needed here. We want freedom, justice, and democracy – not soldiers.”
The soldiers replied by accusing them of growing marijuana, saying “we’re going on ahead come hell or high water.” (It was a false accusation though, since all Zapatiata maintain a “dry law,” prohibiting drugs and alcohol within their territories.)
Read article by La Junta de Buen Gobierno Elena Gordillo, Clara Claribel Pérez López, Freddy Rodríguez López and Rolando Ruiz Hernández

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