Sunday, October 19, 2008

Flood relief for Jumano Apache on Texas/Mexico border

What happens in a international border zone between the US and Mexico when the floods come?
PHOTO April Cotte: September 28 This picture is taken from Presidio, Texas looking into Ojinaga, Mexico. The bridge in the middle is the Port of Entry and you can see that the Mexico Customs building is under water. Quite a mess. Please see news summary below from newspapers and locals on what has happened and how we can help. I am heading down to Redford, Texas, 10/25 from Calif., to work for OB and be of service and invite others to join me volunteering in disaster relief esp. 11/8-12.
By April Cotte
There has been major flooding in Jumano Apache territory in the Junta de los Rios area in Presidio, Ojinaga and Redford following Hurricane Gustav early September. For some 22 days, one third of the city of Ojinaga was underwater, the port of entry was closed between the US and Mexico and many of the farms in Redford, Presidio, Ojinaga and all along the Rio Grande and Rio Conchas were flooded. Elders say this was bigger then the floods of 58 or 78. Until this week, hundreds of people were evacuated from their homes in Ojinaga, now they are cleaning up from flood damage. Read article

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