Friday, October 17, 2008

NSA spies laugh while listening to Americans

Author says Israeli spy subcontractors have all info on Americans and 9/11 hijackers lived in town with NSA headquarters before attack

By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

In case you missed the radio show on NPR, you can still hear how the National Security Administration listens in on overseas phone calls of Americans -- including aid workers, journalists and military -- and laughs about it, while recording every word. This includes the sex talk between husbands and wives.
NSA whistleblowers have come forward and you can listen to the radio shows, and read more about it in James Bamford's "The Shadow Factory."
Bamford said all the telephone service providers, except Qwest, went along with secret spy rooms in their operations, including AT&T and Verizon.
Further, he said Israeli firms subcontract work from the telephone spies and these shadowy corporations have access to all the info on Americans.
Bamford told NPR that the massive NSA spy operations are extremely ineffective with the data. For instance, some of the 9/11 hijackers lived within two miles of NSA headquarters in Laurel, Maryland before 9/11. Although NSA spies were listening, they didn't realize the hijackers were close by, probably even shopping at the same stores.
“The terrorists and the eavesdroppers would coexist in the N.S.A.’s close-knit community like unseeing ghosts,” Bamford writes.
Further, Bamford said there's no one at the NSA that can even translate Pashto, one of the major languages of Afghanistan, in the enormous amount of recorded spy tapes. Listen for more:
An Israeli newspaper article tells more about those Israeli high-tech spy companies, including Check Point, Verint, Comverse, NICE Systems and PerSay Voice Biometrics, some of which work in data mining and engage in software development for tapping telephones, fax machines and e-mail:
Meanwhile, at the US/Mexico border, there has also been concern over Israeli subcontractors of border security technology, including Israel's Elbit Systems, subcontracted by Boeing in the construction of the Arizona spy towers. Elbit was among the companies constructing the Apartheid Wall in Palestine. Those spy towers, multi-million dollar sinkholes, so far have flopped.

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