Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Indigenous Women Remove Columbus Barrier in Denver Photos

Special thanks to the blog, "Fire Witch Rising," for allowing the Censored News to repost these photos. Thirteen Indigenous women delivered the Treaty of Transformation to the organizers of the Columbus Day Parade in Denver on Saturday. Also read the article by Mano Cockrum, Hopi/Navajo, and find out what the pro-Columbus group did with the Treaty. Describing the courageous action of the Indigenous women as shown in the photos above, Fire Witch wrote, "Protesters head for the barricades to confront the Ugly Americans commemorating a slave-trading, Indian-killer. A delegation of 13 Indigenous women tear down the barricades and take a Treaty of Transformation to the hate speech organizers. The confrontation is accomplished without arrests, and the Transform Columbus Day Alliance leaves the tedious losers to finish their creep show in front of no one. Abolish Columbus Day, fools. Cuz now ya'll are just REALLY embarrassing yourselves," Fire Witch wrote. Double click on images to enlarge. Photos copyright Fire Witch Rising. See more photos and reporting from the scene at the website, Fire With Rising:

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