Thursday, March 18, 2010

AIM West: San Francisco Anti-War March and Dooda Events

Brothers and Sisters,
This Saturday, March 20th will be a busy day for the NDN and activist communities.
Starting at 10 am, there will be the annual anti-war march in San Francisco on the anniversary of the start of the Iraq war. Many, many organizations (including AIM-West) will be participating. At 10 am (before the march at 11) will be a prayer and honoring for Leonard Peltier. Join the AIM-West contingent at the Civic Center Plaza at 10am!
Elouise Brown ( will be one of the featured speakers at Rally following the march.
After the march and rally, please join us at the Native American AIDS Project Powwow at Horace Mann middle school (23rd st near BART). Its a great cause and lots of fun. The Powwow starts at 11am and goes until 7pm.
Then, at 7:30pm we will be welcoming Elouise Brown at the Women's Building! The Women's Building is just a few short blocks from the powwow, so walk over with us afterwards!
It will be an exciting day for sure. I look forward to seeing everyone!
Elouise Brown in San Francisco, Sacramento and Berkeley
This Saturday, March 20th at 7:30pm, the American Indian Movement will host Elouise Brown (Dineh) at the Women's Building (3543 18th St.) in San Francisco.
As part of her March California speaking tour, Ms. Brown, Navajo traditionalist and president of the Doodá Desert Rock committee, will speak about dangers posed by the coal industry, the exploitation of indigenous land by energy companies, and the ongoing struggle to prevent the Desert Rock plant from ever existing.
The presentation will last about two hours and include the screening of three short films:
Making a Stand at Desert Rock- by Klee Benally (8:00)
Killing Coal: Four Corners in the Crosshairs (7:10)
Our Native Roots – Inside the Dooda Desert Rock Camp
Elouise will be joined by Victor Menotti, Executive Director of the International Forum on Globalization.
for more information, please contact Mark Anquoe at (415) 566-5788 or visit the following websites:
Other Elouise Brown Bay Area speaking dates:
Friday, March 19th - Sacramento
7:00pm at the SacPeace Meeting Room - 909 12th St. (near 12th and I)
Sunday, March 21st - Richmond
1:00pm at the Native American Health Center - 260 23rd St.
hosted by Communities for a Better Environment and the Native American Health Center
Sunday, March 21st - Berkeley
7:00 PM at the Long Haul Infoshop - 3124 Shattuck Ave.
Mark Anquoe
Photo: AIM West, Nov. 2009, by Brenda Norrell

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