Monday, March 15, 2010

Larry Kibby: 'Extraction Service' Hate Crimes in US and Canada

By Larry Kibby

What I am going to write briefly about this evening is my own viewpoint/opinion and not that of my Reznews Membership.

Reality check! I understand, how many of you just got through watching the 2010 Winter Olympics. Bravo Canada! Bravo Canada! And of course the U.S. came out on top with the medals, only they got their butts kicked in hockey.
Canada, now one story comes to mind and here's a small sentence from that story. "The Native Women's Association of Canada said it has documented 520 cases of missing and murdered women over the last 30 years."
I had the opportunity to view a list of the 500 Missing Women in Canada, they were women and girls of all ages. For the most part, they were victims of hate crimes, pure racism towards the Indian people of Canada, not a pretty picture, but what makes this issue so real, is the article below, an article that brought attention to something very ugly going on in Canada and what is the British Government doing? Nothing!
Nothing at all and what about the issue of racism? Look in your own backyard America! Because if you think for one minute racism is not a genuine factor in this country, think again. Look at what Congress and the Senate are doing to the President, would they do the same if the President was not a President of Color?
They're playing with your lives, your well being and welfare because Corporate America feels it isn't being given a fair shake by the President and so what better way to play games with your lives then to commit an act of Mutiny against an African-American President. Well, that figures, because for the past 8 or 9 years, Congress, the Senate, President George W. Bush and Vice-president Dick Cheney sent this country and all of its American Citizens into a pit of hell and talk about racism, believe you me it was there.
And then, then there's the case of the Foreign Corporation from Canada doing business in this country and do you that the very same type of people who posted the ad in the article below, have family, relatives and friends working in the United States.
Think about it, because I know of at least one Corporation from Canada doing business here in the States that has been working at turning Indian against Indian and at the same time destroying Indian Culture and Belief's.
Our Canadian Relatives in the North are searching for "Justice." We are searching for "Justice." Time to stop the "Injustice" in Canada and throughout Indian Country. These matter's of Racism are becoming real and they can get ugly. Just think about the 500 Missing Canadian First Nations Women and Teens.

Ad offering 'Native Extraction Service' condemned
Last Updated: Thursday, March 4, 2010 3:44 PM CT

First Nations leaders in Manitoba are expressing outrage about an online classified ad that offered to round up and "extract" aboriginal youth from parts of Winnipeg and transport them like wild animals to reserves or an area of the city where many aboriginal people live.

The ad, titled "Native Extraction Service," was posted on the website, but was taken down by 1:38 p.m. CT on Thursday.

Underneath the title was a picture of three aboriginal males, who look to be in their mid to late teens.
The text of the ad read: "Have you ever had the experience of getting home to find those pesky little buggers hanging outside your home, in the back alley or on the corner???

"Well fear no more, with my service I will simply do a harmless relocation. With one phone call I will arrive and net the pest, load them in the containment unit (pickup truck) and then relocate them to their habitat.

"It doesn't matter if they need to be dropped off on Salter (Street, in Winnipeg's North End) or the rez, I will go that extra mile. The North End of Winnipeg is where many city dwellers of First Nations descent live.

"My service is free because I want to live in the same city you do, a clean one," the ad said.

On Thursday, First Nations leaders at Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak (MKO), an organization representing most First Nations communities in northern Manitoba, said they want police to investigate the ad as a hate crime.
"The way it's worded, 'to relocate them to their habitat.' Here we are trying to teach our kids better. The kids out there are told they're not wanted, said MKO Grand Chief David Harper.
"This is unacceptable," he added.

The website where the ad was posted is owned by a Victoria-based company called Black Press, which owns a separate enterprise called

That business operates 47 online classified sites, including the site.

On Thursday, apologized for the ad, which had been posted at midnight on Wednesday.

General manager Tish Hill said it was pulled after users deemed it offensive. Hill said that although the company conducts active monitoring of ads that get placed, offensive material does slip through on occasion.

While Hill said she would not reveal to CBC News who posted the ad, she said the information would be turned over to police should they choose to investigate. Posted/Forward by: Larry Kibby -
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