Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The return of wrath

Reader advisory: Coarse language below.

Most adults, regardless of age, are familiar with the Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath, Envy, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust and Pride.

Thanks to a longtime friend and follower of this blog, Bob Ehlers, I now know that Wrath is making a comeback among Boomers. In a piece recently featured on and titled "The Favorite Sin of the Middle-Aged" the blogger Monsieur Chariot declares that Boomers may no longer have the juice for Lust or the energy for Greed, so they've embraced Wrath instead.

"Wrath is the result of that souring of the attitudes in late maturity, when we run the risk of becoming testy, bitter, contemptuous, mean-spirited and resentful. Wrath is the wrong turn at the fork in the road of Middle-age," M. Cheriot writes.

With great delight, he pokes fun at the "scowling faces of wrath" -- Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck, Limbaugh and Coulter (above) -- and explains what's behind the bullying, bellowing and bigotry that poisons our political dialogue and even casual conversation.
Wrath automatically focuses on the most negative interpretation of events; it trades in contempt, sneers at hope. Confronted with innocence, the wrathful respond with sarcasm. Dialogue? Wrath shouts louder so as to drown it out. The wrathful "got theirs" and embrace the uncompromising attitude that you "Go Fuck Yourself". Wrath incites mobs and underlines the motivation to pointless -- and endless -- war.
It's a timely and insightful rant and one that, hopefully, sends you scurrying in the direction of The Seven Virtues: Wisdom, Justice, Moderation, Courage, Faith, Hope and Love.

Photos: OpenSalon

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