Sunday, April 25, 2010

Best of the Broken Taco Shells

Stretch limos, red carpets and paparazzi. Champagne flowing freely and black-tied waiters serving the finest hors d'hoevres to A-list guests...

Welll, actually, none of that was on display last night when members of the Broken Taco Shells, along with two spouses and one child, gathered last night for a team "banquet" and awards ceremony marking the end of our season in Hollywood Bowl's Winter League.

Hosted by the charming Erin Payton at her Hollywood condo, we feasted on (what else?) tacos, refried beans, chips and salsa, homemade guacamole and fresh fruit -- all topped off by Erin's killer rum cake. Ginger martinis and three brands of Mexican beer kept us well lubricated.

It's been a great time, with four regulars and three subs carrying us through the 16-week season. (Actually, we bowl once more this Tuesday.) We've formed some great friendships and had a lot of laughs, even as our scores have gone up and down like roller coasters.

Team members Steve and Kelly Kern weren't able to attend, as they're splitting their time now between Florida and the Oregon Coast. For those who were there, everyone took home a trophy:

Left to right, above:
Rookie of the Year -- John Jay
The Bell Ringer Award (hey, it's your turn!) -- Colleen Sorensen
The Chalupa Award (for regularly breaking 100) -- Erin Payton
The Awana Be A Better Bowler Award -- Beth Reeves
The Can of Whipped Cream Award (because no one can be empty-handed) -- George

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