Thursday, April 15, 2010

Shoshones join Native Grassroots Delegation to Bolivia

Western Shoshones join Native American Grassroots Delegation to Bolivia Climate Summit
Updated Friday morning
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News

The earth is championing the efforts of the strong hearts to get to Bolivia. Western Shoshone freedom fighter Carrie Dann, 75 years old, and Timbisha Shoshone Chairman Joe Kennedy of the Western Shoshone will attend the Bolivia Climate Summit.
Speaking out in defense of Mother Earth, and for the indisputable Rights of Mother Earth, Dann and Kennedy are among a delegation of Native Americans from across North America now traveling to the World Peoples' Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth.
The Corbin Harney Trust is sponsoring Dann and Kennedy. The Trust board said that with the passing of Harney, that Carrie Dann is now the voice to the world. Harney, Western Shoshone, was a spiritual leader who fought for the rights of Mother Earth and led opposition of nuclear testing and gold mining on sacred Shoshone lands. Dann, a rancher, Shoshone land activist and grandmother, is voicing opposition to new gold mining on sacred Mount Tenabo of the Western Shoshone.
Govinda, producer of Earthcycles web radio, arrived in Cochabamba Thursday to prepare to broadcast live, with Censored News, the voices of Indigenous Peoples at the summit.
The Earthcycles broadcast, and interviews with the grassroots Native delegation, will be coordinted out of the Concordia Hotel in Cochabamba.
Joining the Shoshones in a grassroots delegation, are Yaqui ceremonial leader Jose Matus, director of the Indigenous Alliance without Borders in Tucson and Sonora, Mexico, and Elouise Brown, Navajo director of Dooda (NO) Desert Rock on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico. Navajo activist and scholar Michelle Cook, arriving from Maori territory in New Zealand, and Chibon T. Everstz, Mohawk youth activist arriving from Canada, are bringing the voice of people who live close to the land and fight for the Rights of Mother Earth. The travel expenses of these four grassroots Native activists to the conference was donated by Julie and Peter Carter of Canada.
As the corporate world spins out of control in greed and destruction of the earth's resources, the voices of elders and youth offer hope for the future generations of mankind.
Join us live!
Earthcycles and Censored News
Photo: Govinda with Carrie Dann on the Longest Walk in Western Shoshone territory in 2008/Photo Brenda Norrell

Cochabamba, Monday April 19, 16:00 pm, Culture Room, UNIVALLE
Call for Assembly of Indigenous Peoples in Response to Climate Change for Good Living
Global warming is the result of human actions that have broken the relationship of harmony with Mother Earth. The discomfort of Mother Earth is the result of Western practices that have broken with the good living of the indigenous peoples who for centuries have maintained a reciprocal relationship with nature because it gives us life. The future of the planet depends on the ancient wisdom of indigenous peoples that is synthesized in the proposal of Good Living.
Therefore, following the failure of the COP15 in Copenhagen (Denmark, December 2009), which threatens to repeat itself in the COP16 in Cancun (Mexico, November 2010), indigenous peoples and nationalities need to articulate proposals and actions. To this end, in the framework of the World Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, we call on all indigenous peoples of the Abya Yala to "INDIGENOUS PEOPLES ASSEMBLY OF ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE GOOD LIFE" , which will be held on MONDAY, April 19, from 16:00 hours in the SALA CULTURA of the Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE).
In this Assemby, indigenous Andean, Amazonian, Mesoamerican and Caribbean countries will exchange experiences and articulate our proposals and actions against the climate change crisis and the Good Living. These proposals will be synthesized in a Declaration of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of Abya Yala, which deliver to the World Conference of Cochabamba and the COP16 meeting in Cancun, Mexico, in November.
For the Rights of Mother Earth and Good Living!
Abya Yala, April 2010.
Andean Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations - IOTC
Assembly of Indigenous Peoples
Event Code: 30
Place: Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE)
Room: Culture
Capacity: 600 people
Date: Monday April 19
Time: 16:00
Cochabamba, lunes 19 de abril, 16:00 horas, Sala Cultura, UNIVALLE
Convocatoria Asamblea de Pueblos Indígenas frente al Cambio Climático y por el Buen Vivir
El calentamiento global es consecuencia de las acciones humanas que han roto la relación de armonía con la Madre Tierra. El malestar de la Madre Tierra es consecuencia de las prácticas occidentales que han roto con el Buen Vivir de los pueblos indígenas que por siglos hemos mantenido una relación de reciprocidad con la naturaleza porque ella nos da vida. El futuro del planeta depende de la sabiduría ancestral de los pueblos indígenas que se sintetiza en la propuesta del Buen Vivir.
Por ello, tras el fracaso de la COP15 en Copenhague (Dinamarca, diciembre 2009), que amenaza con repetirse en la COP16 de Cancún (México, noviembre 2010), los pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas necesitamos articular propuestas y acciones. Con esta finalidad, en el marco de la Conferencia Mundial sobre el Cambio Climático y los Derechos de la Madre Tierra, convocamos a todos los pueblos indígenas del Abya Yala a la “ASAMBLEA DE LOS PUEBLOS INDÍGENAS FRENTE AL CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO Y POR EL BUEN VIVIR”, que se realizará el día LUNES 19 de abril, a partir de las 16:00 HORAS en la SALA CULTURA de la Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE).
En esta Asamblea, los pueblos indígenas andinos, amazónicos, mesoamericanos y caribeños intercambiaremos experiencias y articularemos nuestras propuestas y acciones frente a la crisis del cambio climático y por el Buen Vivir. Estas propuestas serán sintetizadas en una Declaración de los Pueblos y Nacionalidades Indígenas del Abya Yala, que entregaremos a la Conferencia Mundial de Cochabamba y a la COP16 que se reunirá en Cancún, México, en noviembre próximo.
¡Por los Derechos de la Madre Tierra y el Buen Vivir!
Abya Yala, Abril de 2010.
Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas – CAOI
Asamblea de Pueblos Indígenas
Código del evento: 30
Lugar: Universidad del Valle (UNIVALLE)
Sala: Cultura
Capacidad: 600 personas
Fecha: Lunes 19 de abril
Hora: 16:00

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