Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Aki's Instant Noodles

I was going to give this post a bland headline like "A cool new blog" but then I realized, what could be cooler than its actual name?

And so, R&R readers, allow me to introduce you to Aki Mori's cool new blog:

I met Aki last year after I published an op-ed piece he submitted to The Oregonian. He teaches in the Beaverton School District but in his author tagline, I noticed he had previously worked for the New Haven School District in California. Well, that's where I went to grade school in Union City, roughly 40 miles from San Francisco. We met for coffee several weeks later and have kept up a nice correspondence through e-mail and comments on Rough and Rede.

So now he's launched his own blog and in just a few days has already posted 17 items and collected four followers. If you spend just 10 minutes on Aki's blog, you'll see he's got a clever heading (referencing the blog's nutritional value), a breezy writing style, a great sense of humor, and an ability to keep his posts short and to the point -- the way blogging is meant to be.

Lately, I haven't come close to that standard -- three paragraphs or less, topped by one- or two-word headlines. And what is he writing about? Chinese wisdom from his mother-in-law...a Universal People Counting Device...and training his dog to pee in the sewer. Seriously.

Check him out -- and join me and Nike, who blogs at Small Town Girl (a cool site, too), as followers.

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