TODAY: National Day of Action against SB1070
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights Stands with Arizona for Justice & Human Rights!
TODAY: On May 29, the eyes of the world will be on Arizona when tens of thousands of members of Arizona’s communities, including Indigenous people, day laborers, unions, people of color, women, LGBTQ people, workers, youth, students and supporters from across the country, will converge on Phoenix for the National Day of Action against SB1070. SB1070 is the new Arizona anti-immigrant, racial profiling state law that allows police to question anyone about their immigration status, jail them and turn them over to ICE for deportation.
The National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights and its members will march with Arizona communities and in solidarity actions around the country on May 29 as we stand with the people of Arizona in the fight to restore rights and to rollback the hate.
On May 29 and beyond, the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (NNIRR) calls on people from all walks of life to demand an end to SB1070 and all federal immigration-police collaboration. This is an important national moment to commit to ending all forms of racial discrimination and intolerance. We are heartened to see how so many different groups and sectors have rallied to oppose SB1070.
This broad support will very much be needed to push back against the continued expansion of federal immigration-police collaboration programs that enable state laws like SB1070 and other immigration and border enforcement measures that further endanger lives, perpetuate abuse and hate, undermining the health of communities.
Leading up to May 29 in Arizona the National Day Laborer Organizing Network with the Puente Movement are preparing a national boycott of Arizona, targeting companies and products whose owners have contributed funds that have allowed anti-immigrant laws, practices and policies to flourish. NDLON and Puente are also planning to launch a defiance campaign against SB1070 scheduled to be implemented later in July.
The Coalición de Derechos Humanos (DH) working with border and non-border communities will begin their fifth annual “Migrant Trail March”– a 75-mile journey from Sásabe, Sonora to Tucson, Arizona to express solidarity with the migrant women, children, elders and men who have walked this trail and lost their lives. DH’s work against the U.S. militarization of immigration control and border communities is a deep call for linking communities across the country to demilitarize the border and uphold the right to life, liberty and wellbeing of all persons.
Beyond May 29, NNIRR will continue to urge that the Obama Administration:
· Take all necessary steps to stop the implementation of SB1070. Obama must speak out against the climate of hate and investigate and punish Arizona state, county and local officials who are violating the civil rights of entire communities;
· Roll-back and end the 287(g), Secure Communities programs and all forms of federal immigration-police collaboration programs.
· Suspend all detentions and deportations and investigate the abuses being committed against immigrants at the border and in interior.
· Demilitarize immigration control and border communities and stop the deployment of National Guard troops. Instead, issue sufficient visas and options for families to reunite and live, work, worship, study and play with their rights protected. The federal government must invest in creating sustainable communities and promote fair trade economic policies that will provide stability and development;
· Seek in earnest socially just immigration reforms that provide full legalization based on upholding the civil and labor rights of all persons.
¡Todas y todos somos Arizona We are all Arizona! ________________________________________________
Arnoldo Garcia
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Red Nacional Pro Derechos Inmigrantes y Refugiados
310 8th Street Suite 303
Oakland, CA 94607
Tel (510) 465-1984 ext. 305
Fax (510) 465-1885
Declaración de solidaridad con el pueblo de Arizona y l@s migrantes del mundo
29 de Mayo, 2010
La Via Campesina
La aprobación de la legislación SB-1070 en Arizona que criminaliza a las personas por el color de la piel, bajo el argumento del combate a la "inmigración ilegal" y por la "seguridad fronteriza", junto con el súbito anuncio de legislaciones similares en varios estados de los EEUU, y la creciente e incontenible violencia policiaca y para-policiaca en contra de las y los migrantes, revelan un peligroso avance de la ofensiva actual contra las migrantes y los migrantes y sus familias.
Este avance se da en momentos de una crisis profunda del sistema capitalista bajo el cual, los gobernantes han intentado pasar el costo de la crisis a las espaldas de las y los migrantes, al mismo tiempo que dividen a la clase trabajadora al convertirlos en los “chivos expiatorios” de la crisis.
Es así como Arizona y la frontera de los EEUU y México, se han convertido hoy en día en el epicentro de la agresión global en contra de las y los migrantes del mundo.
Además, igual que ocurre en Arizona, por todo el planeta siguen escalando las políticas y las acciones anti-migrantes, principalmente en los países del Norte que por cierto, son los culpables de la crisis de la migración generada por el sistema capitalista en esta fase neoliberal.
Por lo anterior, La Vía Campesina Internacional hace un llamado urgente a todas sus organizaciones y a todas y todos sus aliados a desplegar una solidaridad amplia y concreta con la lucha que hoy se da en Arizona para detener las políticas y las acciones en contra de las y los migrantes.
Hoy, el 29 de mayo del 2010, expresamos nuestra solidaridad con el pueblo de Arizona, que hoy se manifiesta en Phoenix, Arizona y las embajadas de EUN en Mexico, y otros países del mundo para exigir un alto a la SB-1070 y a todas las políticas y acciones anti-inmigrantes.
Así mismo, denunciamos a la discriminación, y la violencia anti-inmigrante, y demandamos los Derechos Plenos de las y los Migrantes del Mundo:
¡Globalicemos la lucha, globalicemos la esperanza!
Alberto Gómez Flores
Dena Hoff
Coordinación Internacional, La Via Campesina
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