Tuesday, June 22, 2010

George's lending library

I've added a new widget to my blog: My Shelfari Bookshelf.

If you click on it, you'll see a few books that I've read and reviewed. I hereby offer to make each and every one of these -- and more to come -- available to anyone who'd like to read them. Lori has been telling me, rather persistently of late, that I'm accumulating too many books and I need to give some away.

I'd rather lend them to fellow bookworms, with the understanding that you're free to pass them on to other friends and family, as long as I get them back at some point.

I credit my fellow blogger, Nike B, with bringing Shelfari to my attention. I noticed a cool new feature on her Small Town Girl blog and realized it would be a good way to learn about other interesting books.

If any of you feel inspired to join in, that would be great. Let the book borrowing begin!

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