Friday, July 16, 2010

Unist’ot’en rally and set up camp to stop Enbridge and KSL pipelines

Unist’ot’en rally and set up camp to stop Enbridge and KSL pipelines
Media release
Photo copyright Ben Powless, Mohawk

July 16, 2010: Unist’ot’en organize a large demonstration rally to notify governments and industry about their existing regulatory regime and of their responsibility to protect and restore their devastated environments

SMITHERS, BC: The ‘Unist’ot’en of the Wet’suwet’en Nation alongside their grassroots allies and supporters assembled in Smithers to organize a rally designed to assert their title and rights on their ancient lands. The rally was organized and led by the ‘Unist’ot’en leadership and had the demonstrators primarily target the Ministry of Forests offices and the Ministry of Environment office. The following is the list of demands that were delivered to the Ministry offices who issue permits and licences for industry and private interests. Read more ...

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