Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween with KT

Just got in the door from a great concert at the Crystal Ballroom with KT Tunstall. What a talented lady and such an energetic performer. I love to see someone play with such abandon, wailing on the guitar, jumping like a pogo stick and really connecting with her audience.

Tonight was the kickoff of her U.S. tour in support of her new CD, "Tiger Suit." Her band came out in wigs and makeup, dressed like dead rock stars -- John Bonham, Sid Vicious, Mozart ("the original rock star) and Ziggy Stardust (OK, so he's just a David Bowie character, but he's inactive). KT herself wore a blond wig, striped shirt and a bullet hole in the forehead as Kurt Cobain. Bad taste? Come on, it was Halloween.

Anyway, KT and her band played 22 songs over 1 3/4 hours, including a three-song encore that wrapped up with "Suddenly I See."
-- A highlight: A solo version of "Other Side of the World," where she played a synthesizer and slowed down the tempo.
-- A surprise: She can't be much more than 5 feet, as everybody in the band, including lead guitarist Charlotte Hatherly, is a head or more taller.
-- A gratuitous comparison:  Last time I was at this venue, I marveled at the purity of Patty Griffin's voice, which is itself an amazing instrument, especially on acoustic numbers. KT, on the other hand, is the complete package as a rock 'n' roller, totally into it as a musician and singer-songwriter with a big, bold voice.

Throughout, Tunstall displayed a playful sense of humor:

"You love me?" she responded to a fan. "I love you too. I love you more than you love me -- and I don't even know you. Which makes me loose."

And, just before her last song, she told the audience: "You live in a beautiful corner of the world -- and your s*** is cheap!"

I missed KT on her last appearance in Portland two years ago. Sure was glad to catch her tonight.

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