Friday, November 5, 2010

Enough, already!

Library of Congress
Maybe my iPhone was protesting, too. Last night and early today, I couldn't retrieve any e-mails. Late this morning, the connection to the server finally was restored and I opened an e-mail from my friend, Bob.

"I'm trying to avoid national political newscasts for a few days." he said. "I'm suffering from pundit overdose."

"Amen to that!" I replied. Post-election analysis and parsing of the numbers from every conceivable angle has even me worn out. The proverbial straw? CNN's web site had a series of hypothetical match-ups pitting Obama against various Republicans in 2012. He'd beat Palin but he'd lose to Huckabee and Romney. As if a November 2010 exercise in what-if has any substance...

Anyway, I'm glad to get back to other things in life, whether it's watching the Blazers lose in overtime or digging into a new book. I picked up three at an in-house sale of used books to benefit The Oregonian's Season of Sharing charity. I was reminded of the pleasure of reading when I saw a guy at the back of my bus today, wearing a plain gray T-shirt with black lettering that simply said: "Library of Congress. Est. 1800."

Rock on, dude.

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